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South Africa

A New Era in Coordinated Climate Action Dawns as President Ramaphosa Assents the Climate Change Bill



Johannesburg, 23 July 2024 – The Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) has hailed a significant milestone in South Africa’s climate policy as President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Climate Change Bill into law today.

President Cyril Ramaphosa.

The newly enacted Climate Change Act establishes a robust legal framework for a comprehensive nationwide response to climate change. This legislation aims to align South Africa’s climate change policies and actions, including both mitigation and adaptation strategies, thereby fulfilling the country’s fair contribution to global climate efforts.

While some state departments and government agencies have incorporated just transition outcomes in their annual performance plans, the Act now mandates all organs of state to review, revise, amend, coordinate, and harmonize their policies and programs. This directive ensures that the risks and vulnerabilities associated with climate change impacts are systematically addressed.

As South Africa’s first comprehensive climate change legislation, the Act’s purpose is to “enable the development of an effective climate change response and a long-term, just transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy and society in the context of sustainable development.”

Dr. Crispian Olver, PCC Commissioner and Executive Director, expressed optimism about the new legislation. “Undoubtedly, any successful climate action effort will require alignment of major socio-economic, environmental, and governance policies. We are entering a new phase of climate action, and we believe the Climate Change Act will foster institutional coherence and enhance climate change adaptation governance across national, provincial, and local levels of government.”

“As we commence the 7th administration of the Democratic Government of National Unity, we welcome this groundbreaking legislation. It not only delineates the functions of the Presidential Climate Commission but also specifies the roles of provinces and municipalities in mitigation efforts, ensuring the realization of the vision for an effective climate change response and a just transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy and society,” added Olver.

The PCC emphasized its commitment to strengthening relationships with government entities, particularly the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) and the National Treasury. These partnerships are crucial for the successful implementation of the Act and for ensuring a seamless transition to a public entity that enhances the Commission’s effectiveness and collaboration with stakeholders and other role players.

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