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As Ramaphosa seeks to shield Mnangagwa from being accountable, he exposes himself.



Mnangagwa set in motion a practice to use public power to get what he wants and has escaped accountability for 43 years but now it looks like his lawyer, Mr. Edwin Manikai did to him what he has done to many with impunity.

Did you know that a law that Professor Moyo describes as barbaric and satanic? A law that offends public policy and international law that was authored and prosecuted by Mnangagwa & Chinamasa with impunity in September 2004 and the rights acquired from it have been applied extra-territorially in South Africa.

Ramaphosa was made aware of this travesty of justice and international law. He is now using a junior state attorney to commit perjury by delegating the duty to depose to affidavits in judicial proceedings to avoid making any statement of truth that will inevitably expose Mnangagwa and in so doing accelerate the end of Mnangagwa Law and make room for the Rule of Law in Zimbabwe.

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