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BOAF SOLAR – TOWARDS BUILDING UBER-LIKE SOLAR PLATFORM to connect the demand and supply side actors in the solar value chains



Mr. Ganizani, a member of the Banking on Africa’s Future (BOAF) initiative, a platform to convert connections into community power as a bridge to commerce and problem solving, has a company, that acts as a vehicle in South Africa to solve the electricity challenges currently confronting South Africa resulting in crippling load shedding which leaves many in programmed but unpredictable darkness.

Below is a conversation between Mr. Mawere and Mr. Ganizani that I found not only interesting but path finding.

[12/18/2022, 1:19 PM] MR G: How are you sir. My name is Ganizani. I’m one of your connections on LinkedIn. I once came to your offices for some mentoring. I was wondering if you still have time to mentor and coach Young aspiring business people. I’m from Zvishavane but I’m currently in Johannesburg, where in establishing a business and I would be delighted to get some wisdom from you.

A recent installation

[12/18/2022, 1:29 PM] mdmawere1: Do you know how LinkedIn connections I have?
[12/18/2022, 1:30 PM] MR G: I know you have many sir. And I know you have lots of people you talk to every day. But it would be an honor for me to be one of them as well
[12/18/2022, 1:31 PM] mdmawere1: Just guess how many connections and followers?
[12/18/2022, 1:34 PM] MR G: 34000 followers
[12/18/2022, 1:35 PM] mdmawere1: Great. And connections?
[12/18/2022, 1:36 PM] MR G: I’m not sure I guess as much as LinkedIn allows… 30000?
[12/18/2022, 1:40 PM] MR G: I wasn’t too much off😀 but at least out of the 30k connections and 34k followers I’m one of the few with your whatsapp number ☺️

[12/18/2022, 1:42 PM] MR G: And thank you for responding to my whatsapp… for a man of such stature as you it is a privilege to be able to have a text that gets read and responded to. Thank you
[12/18/2022, 1:43 PM] mdmawere1: Do you have a calculator?
[12/18/2022, 1:43 PM] MR G: Yes I have sir
[12/18/2022, 1:43 PM] mdmawere1: How many days are in a year?
[12/18/2022, 1:44 PM] MR G: 365.24
[12/18/2022, 1:44 PM] MR G: .25 sorry
[12/18/2022, 1:44 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that the total connections I have are a minimum of 60k
[12/18/2022, 1:45 PM] MR G: Yes
[12/18/2022, 1:45 PM] mdmawere1: Divide 60k by 360 days (excluding weekends).
[12/18/2022, 1:46 PM] MR G: 166.67
[12/18/2022, 1:47 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that it will take me 168 years to know this community?
[12/18/2022, 1:47 PM] mdmawere1: If I met each person per day.
[12/18/2022, 1:48 PM] MR G: 😀😀😀😀 yeah. I agree… but do you also agree that most of us are not benefiting from what you have… we are just happy to have Mutumwa Mawere as a connection
[12/18/2022, 1:49 PM] mdmawere1: Are you a Christian?
[12/18/2022, 1:49 PM] MR G: Yes sir
[12/18/2022, 1:49 PM] mdmawere1: Have you ever seen him?
[12/18/2022, 1:49 PM] MR G: No. I have heard about him and was convinced
[12/18/2022, 1:50 PM] mdmawere1: What is the benefit of being in a community of believers?
[12/18/2022, 1:50 PM] MR G: It’s a tough one.
[12/18/2022, 1:51 PM] MR G: It ideally is supposed to be where you find strength, comfort, company and fulfillment
[12/18/2022, 1:52 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that fellowship and belonging makes one luckier?
[12/18/2022, 1:52 PM] MR G: Yes I agree
[12/18/2022, 1:54 PM] mdmawere1: Assume you go to the Vatican and ask for the Pope to listen to your confession, what do you think would be his response?
[12/18/2022, 1:55 PM] MR G: If it is my lucky day he will listen to my confession, but ordinarily I guess he would assign one of his juniors or tell me to go to my home church
[12/18/2022, 1:56 PM] mdmawere1: Imagine he grants you your request, what would follow?
[12/18/2022, 1:57 PM] MR G: I would not waste anymore of his time and confess
[12/18/2022, 1:58 PM] mdmawere1: What would follow is the longest queue to Rome from his village in Argentina asking for the same favour?
[12/18/2022, 1:59 PM] MR G: 😀😀😀 I won’t tell the world that I managed to speak to the pope today… so I suppose noone will know… maybe a few one or two like minded people will also dare to go to the Vatican to ask for the same privilege, but independently
[12/18/2022, 2:14 PM] mdmawere1: History of human civilization has not produced any exceptions and hence even Jesus never had factions. Selfish people are the ones who want favours and promise not to tell anyone when seeking an exception is what destroys building community power and this renders the faith dead and the people who kill it are the ones who pretend to protect it by seeking to be close to the people who is also a man of flesh with only 24 hours in a day like you and me.

Do you agree that no shared understanding exists on what mentorship is and is not?
[12/18/2022, 2:21 PM] MR G: Yes. I agree with you 100%. Mentorship is a broad term. And I believe it is cultivated over a long period of time… however. But my version when I spoke to you is not son much about having favours or privileges as a result of me knowing you or me being close to you… my belief is that just having a reply from you on my whatsapp number, just having a word or two of wisdom from you is all that a person can ask for… as you said fellowship in a community improves chances of luck… my luck at this moment is to have the privilege of you reading my texts and responding to them… I already have learner a thing or two from your responses
[12/18/2022, 2:34 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that time is the currency of life?
[12/18/2022, 2:35 PM] MR G: Yes I do
[12/18/2022, 2:38 PM] mdmawere1: Do agree that your version of mentorship suits you?
[12/18/2022, 2:40 PM] MR G: Yes it is for me ☺️…. I suppose my version of mentorship is one that the mental has everything to gain while the mentor is the one on the giving side….
[12/18/2022, 2:41 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that while someone responding on WhatsApp time is the victim?
[12/18/2022, 2:41 PM] mdmawere1: How many have died texting?
[12/18/2022, 2:42 PM] MR G: Yes I know. And that’s why I’m so grateful for the day I have spent with you today
[12/18/2022, 2:42 PM] MR G: To me it is a day well spent.
[12/18/2022, 2:43 PM] MR G: There’s always a price to pay…. nothings for free. What I’m gaining you are obviously paying
[12/18/2022, 2:43 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that this is the selfish and insensitive statement? Do think I have nothing better to do with my time?
[12/18/2022, 2:44 PM] mdmawere1: You never steal another’s time allocation and call it a gain.
[12/18/2022, 2:44 PM] MR G: No. You have much better things… and I’m grateful you took your time to include me in that…
[12/18/2022, 2:45 PM] MR G: I’m not sure about that. But if I have gained I suppose someone has lost…. I don’t think there’s such a thing as a win win
[12/18/2022, 2:45 PM] mdmawere1: Learn to invest in anything you want to benefit from – give up something to gakn something.
[12/18/2022, 2:47 PM] MR G: That’s very correct. I’m always willing to pay for things that I believe have a return in my life
[12/18/2022, 2:47 PM] mdmawere1: Have you heard of BOAF?
[12/18/2022, 2:48 PM] MR G: No. I’m checking it now
[12/18/2022, 2:49 PM] mdmawere1: That is a community power building initiative to convert connections into community power.

Are on LinkedIn?
[12/18/2022, 2:49 PM] MR G: Ok. I wasn’t aware of that
[12/18/2022, 2:49 PM] MR G: Yes I’m on LinkedIn
[12/18/2022, 2:50 PM] mdmawere1: How big is your network?
[12/18/2022, 2:52 PM] MR G: I have 906 connections and 916 followers. My company page has 1414 followers
[12/18/2022, 2:53 PM] mdmawere1: [12/18, 2:45 PM] +263 77 270 3567: I am learning more about you everyday. You believe in sharing ideas and that he who receive your time should share acquired knowledge to others
[12/18, 2:53 PM] mdmawere1: I believe that no one should steal another’s currency of life without the counterparty giving up something in return of equivalent value.
[12/18/2022, 2:55 PM] MR G: I agree with that… it is my hope that in my own small world I can also impact an equivalent number of people according to my scale… I believe I’m already doing that in my own little world
[12/18/2022, 2:57 PM] MR G: This person is telling the truth about you… this is the confidence I had when I approached you… with what you have and a the people you have interacted with, you do not stop giving your time to people. It is a rare character you have
[12/18/2022, 2:58 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that only Jesus was a gift and I am no Jesus?
[12/18/2022, 3:01 PM] MR G: You are mukuru! You may not see it that way but you are…. a lot of people have gained valuable lessons from you… it may be unfortunate that it costs you your free time and even money but that where I said someone is paying… and that’s where again I said you are a rare character because you keep on paying… I guess it’s an answer to a rare calling you have
[12/18/2022, 3:03 PM] MR G: You are a gift, I mean..
[12/18/2022, 3:04 PM] mdmawere1: An orange is a gift but a person of flesh can’t be.
[12/18/2022, 3:06 PM] MR G: I’m not sure I would agree… I believe a gift is something that someone benefits from without necessarily working for it… in that way I believe you are a gift to those lucky ones that get to share your time without them doing anything that deserves your time
[12/18/2022, 3:07 PM] mdmawere1: Never call a human being who is living a gift and even a slave would not qualify to be insulted.
[12/18/2022, 3:08 PM] MR G: My apologies for the insult.
[12/18/2022, 3:08 PM] MR G: If you may please tell me what to call a person such as this one I described above
[12/18/2022, 3:09 PM] mdmawere1: An idiot.
[12/18/2022, 3:09 PM] MR G: 😀😀😀😀😀
[12/18/2022, 3:10 PM] MR G: Maybe,maybe not…. what if that’s your calling, if you believe there’s such a thing as a calling?
[12/18/2022, 3:10 PM] mdmawere1: Even an office needs to be paid for and nothing good ever comes from the salvation army without anyone funding the army.
[12/18/2022, 3:10 PM] mdmawere1: Only Jesus deserves the honour of being called a gift.
[12/18/2022, 3:10 PM] MR G: Exactly… this is where I said thers nothing for free… what you may consider free someone has paid for it
[12/18/2022, 3:12 PM] mdmawere1: This is a very important value to guide life.
[12/18/2022, 3:13 PM] MR G: True sir. I thank you for mentioning that.
[12/18/2022, 3:14 PM] MR G: What we gain from you will be betrayal and a huge loss if we are not willing to also pay for others who may not be in a position to pay for
[12/18/2022, 3:14 PM] mdmawere1: There are far too many who abuse mentorship to result in abuse.
[12/18/2022, 3:14 PM] MR G: Like was mentioned by this person
[12/18/2022, 3:15 PM] MR G: But do we have enough mentors in the world? I don’t think so
[12/18/2022, 3:15 PM] mdmawere1: He is also learning like all of us. Would you want to part of the BOAF circle to learn, unlearn and relearn.
[12/18/2022, 3:17 PM] MR G: Many of us I believe are getting lost because we are not able to find the mentors… I believe believe mentorship is so valuable that no amount of money can be put on it to. So those who benefit from a good mentorship can never be able to pay back but only extend the hand
[12/18/2022, 3:17 PM] MR G: I would be delighted to be part of it
[12/18/2022, 3:18 PM] mdmawere1: Would an annual membership of R1000 per annum scare you?
[12/18/2022, 3:19 PM] MR G: No. I can pay for it today if you allow me
[12/18/2022, 3:21 PM] mdmawere1: Great
[12/18/2022, 3:23 PM] mdmawere1: please register on this link
[12/18/2022, 3:25 PM] MR G: Ok thank you. I’m on it
[12/18/2022, 3:31 PM] MR G: I have registered
[12/18/2022, 3:31 PM] MR G: It’s a very good platform. Is it your project?
[12/18/2022, 3:32 PM] mdmawere1: Create a wallet in ZAR or $
[12/18/2022, 3:32 PM] mdmawere1: It is our project. Would you want to own a highway or use it?
[12/18/2022, 3:34 PM] MR G: I want to be part of it… even own part of it if I can get the chance☺️
[12/18/2022, 3:35 PM] mdmawere1: What will happen when you die? In relation to ownership.
[12/18/2022, 3:35 PM] mdmawere1: What is the name of the platform?
[12/18/2022, 3:36 PM] MR G: I pass it on to my family
[12/18/2022, 3:36 PM] MR G: Which platform sir?
[12/18/2022, 3:37 PM] mdmawere1: BOAF
[12/18/2022, 3:38 PM] mdmawere1: You know what BOAF stands for?
[12/18/2022, 3:40 PM] MR G: Birds of a feather, from the online definition I looked up
[12/18/2022, 3:45 PM] mdmawere1: BANKING ON AFRICA’S FUTURE (BOAF).
[12/18/2022, 3:46 PM] MR G: Wow! That’s awesome
[12/18/2022, 3:49 PM] mdmawere1: e-BOAF is our electronic currency

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