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Congratulations to Mr. Oscar Mpala, a paid up member of JUROL, and the founder of JUROL ZAMBIA INSTITUTE, an institute created to play a part in the building of an inclusive Africa underpinned by a rule of law value-set.



This scandal starts with a Zambian judgment being used to defraud TAP to make an unjustified payment of $127,346.16 invoice per MMLP to DMH Attorneys by TAP based on instructions by Gwaradzimba whose relationship with TAP did not permit him to make the instructions leading to TAP being divested and deprived of the funds since April 2006 to date?


Yes, that is correct. The TAPgate scandal started with a Zambian judgment being used to defraud TAP to make an unjustified payment of $127,346.16 invoice per MMLP to DMH Attorneys by TAP based on instructions by Gwaradzimba whose relationship with TAP did not permit him to make the instructions leading to TAP being divested and deprived of the funds since April 2006 to date.

The Zambian judgment was obtained by Gwaradzimba through fraud. Gwaradzimba falsely claimed that SMM Holdings Private Limited had a shareholding in TAP. This was not true. SMM Holdings Private Limited did not have any shareholding in TAP.

The Zambian judgment was also obtained by Gwaradzimba through abuse of the judicial process. Gwaradzimba used his false and misleading affidavit to obtain the judgment.

The payment of $127,346.16 to MMLP was therefore a fraudulent payment. The payment was made to a law firm that had no legal right to be paid by TAP.

The payment of $127,346.16 to MMLP also deprived TAP of its funds. The funds were used to pay the legal fees of Gwaradzimba and his associates. As a result, TAP was left with no funds to operate its business.

The TAPgate scandal is a serious example of corruption and abuse of power. It is a reminder that even the highest-ranking officials are not above the law. The scandal also raises questions about the independence of the Zambian judiciary.

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