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God is a Transgenerational God – Pastor Morgan Lekgetho Mogagabe



Sunday Sermon

Date: 13   March 2022

Today’s Message: God is a Transgenerational God.

Speaker: Pastor Morgan Lekgetho Mogagabe

Time:8am till 11 am 

Scripture references

Psalms 90:1-2 TPT

Lord, you have always been our eternal home, our hiding place from generation to generation. Long before you gave birth to the earth and before the mountains were born, you have been from everlasting to everlasting, the one and only true God.

Exodus 20:5

New International Version

You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

Proverbs 28:20

A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.

Genesis 12:1-3

New International Version

The Call of Abram

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.[a] I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”[b]

Genesis 21:33-34

Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he worshiped the LORD, the Eternal God. 34 And Abraham stayed in the land of the Philistines for a long time.

Deuteronomy 32:30, “one man will chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight”. Wherever two or more persons come together to pray in the name of Jesus, God is there in their midst.

Pray this morning: Holy Spirit; Teach me how to glorify God with all my life. Amen.

Sermon Notes:

God works in a transgenerational way. God is a God of multiple generations. Faith is our Heritage! We live a life of faith because it is the legacy that has been passed to us by our spiritual ancestors; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

  1.  Abraham represent the first generation
  2.   Isaac represent the second generation
  3.   Jacob represent the third generation

This life of faith is a spiritual heirloom that has been handed down from one generation to another. That is why Peter called this faith precious; it is a precious spiritual heirloom.

Our lives must be an example of faith so that it and all the promises of God can pass from one generation to the next. Jesus declared that when He returns, he will check on our faith and as such, you and I will be of those who have held on to this precious heritage.  

God established the law of multiplication with synergy. We must pick up someone’s vision and run with it. If we don’t do that we will disconnect. Unfortunately, these days everybody wants to start their own things and not to synergize. This is a disease. The disease of Independence.

Synergy exists when people work together for a common cause, good or bad. It multiplies when people work together in concert with God towards a common goal.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 32:30, “one man will chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight”. Wherever two or more persons come together to pray in the name of Jesus, God is there in their midst. If we work together, we chase 10,000. The disease affecting the church is Independence disease. 

Exodus 20:5

New International Version

You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.

1. The First Generation:

If you are the first one in your home to follow Christ and live right, this message is for you. You might be mocked and looked down upon, but don’t be discouraged. Stay on; walk with faithfulness and integrity.

In the first generation, that is where things start, and the foundation is laid. For the generational vision to continue, young people must continue with the faith of their fathers.

The methods may not be the same, but the heart and the values must be the same.

Prayer points for the first generation: 

Pioneers sacrifice everything.  I have never met a pioneer who never paid their prize.  

Definition: Pioneer means a person who is one of the first to settle in an area. 2: a person who begins or helps develop something new and prepares the way for others to follow.

Be careful when you break what pioneers have started because they make a lot of sacrifices.  When I served God with my whole family, the devil was not happy. When you mess up with what the pioneer started, you break his / her heart. I have put God first over everything. My career came last because of the sacrifice that I did for the Kingdom of God. That is why I preach the Gospel of Jesus. I am not ashamed.  

Can You Boldly Say You Are “Not Ashamed of the Gospel”?

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

As a Pioneer, you must hold on because the destiny of other generations depends on you. Hold on, do not give up, and do not quit. You are the reason why some people are still standing.  You must understand the intensity of your fight. In 1 Corinthians 16:9, Paul says, “For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries”.

The Berean Study Bible says, “a great door for effective work has opened to me, even though many oppose me”.

This shows that open doors also come with their own devils and as such, you must not get tired of putting on a fight.  If the first generation gives up, it makes it easy for the second and third generations to do the same. We must teach the next generation the strategy we have.   

Our churches today are here because of the prayer, fasting, and the search for God’s presence by those who were before us.  Be a committed Christian.  Pastors aren’t celebrities. Jesus washed his disciple’s feet. Don’t serve with the sole motive to get the anointing. Build the house of God (your local church) as a son and not as a servant who has to do it because he has no other choice. A son builds willingly. Sons bring people to the Lord and not to themselves. They don’t have Absalom’s spirit of rebellion. When you are a true son, you honour your father. You preach your father’s sermon without shame. 



Jesus: “And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. 20 And he closed the book ….”

It’s pride not to take reference from others. Jesus preached his first sermon from the book of Isaiah.   As of this day, sons do not mind preaching while quoting from the notes of their father’s sermons. I would rather copy from an anointed person than the so-called original person who doesn’t have an anointing.

I’ve mimicked my spiritual fathers and my mentors many times. I have their anointing in my life. Sons and daughters hold their father’s heart, and they take their father’s success as their own. Those who are naughty and disobedient separate themselves.

Jude 1:19 These are the ones who cause divisions, who are worldly and devoid of the Spirit – – Berean Study Bible.

Those who separate themselves from their fathers don’t celebrate their father’s success. Biblically, the anointing is passed on to you. Nobody has the original anointing. Some of you, we don’t know your background.

1 Samuel 17:58 

“Whose son are you, young man?” Saul asked him. David said, “I am the son of your servant Jesse of Bethlehem.”

New Living Translation
“Tell me about your father, young man,” Saul said. And David replied, “His name is Jesse, and we live in Bethlehem.”
1 Samuel 17:58  

I can tell you. You can do this because of someone’s father? Saul said I can see the head but who’s your father! No wonder you cannot carry the mantle that they carry because you have the spirit of dishonor. Who’s your father, Who’s your mother? 

You cannot receive what you despise?

Matthew 10:41 ESV 

The one who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and the one who receives a righteous person because he is a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward.

Sons don’t push themselves; they wait for their inheritance. In the Old Testament, God spoke to Moses. God never spoke to them about the calling, he spoke to their fathers. God speaks to Moses about Joshua; go and anoint him with oil. Moses went to Joshua. I’ll anoint you. 

We pastors, Joshua he is telling us, I can see you are wasting my time. I am ready. Elisha’s anointing was accomplished by the strange symbolic gesture of Elijah’s mantle being “cast upon him” (1 Kings 19:19)

What did Joshua say to Moses? Joshua understands God works in a transgenerational way.

[16] And they answered Joshua, saying, All that thou commandest us we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest us, we will go. [17] According as we hearkened unto Moses in all things, so will we hearken unto thee: only the LORD thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses.

Those who left their fathers go to them repent and ask for forgiveness. We correct things in the past.  If I may ask you a question today, Can I trace your spiritual family lineage? Who is your spiritual father? 

  • My spiritual generation is the great spiritual grandpa of faith – Kenneth E Hagin – Rhema 
  • My spiritual generation grandfather – Ray McCauley 
  • My spiritual generation father – Bishop Mosa Sono
  • My spiritual generation father – Rev Kgositsile Montoedi Kotu 
  • My spiritual mentor and leader – Rev TA Ralekholela 
  • My spiritual mentor and leader – Dr Creflo Dollar 
  • My spiritual mentor and leader – Dr David Molapo

1. Identify and pray against a matter that is affecting your family lineage.

Definition – lineage refers to people who all have the same common relative from 300 years ago

2. Isaac represents the second generation

Learn from those who came before us

Luke 6:40 Students are not greater than their teacher. But the student who is fully trained will become like the teacher.

Have a teachable spirit. Learn to be servants, not bosses. We learn ministry by serving the faithful. I serve both my spiritual parents faithfully till today. Don’t mistreat your spiritual fathers. 

If we do not understand the importance of the transgenerational vision, then we fail to understand the transgenerational nature of God.

Aaron never protected the values of the house, while serving under Moses. He never understood Moses’ heart, he never took responsibility for his actions. He was next to it, but it never permeated him.

Joshua learned to wait and to be in the presence of God. He learned what Moses did and so it was easy for that Anointing to flow upon him.

Transgenerational vision can be compared to running a relay race. It requires all participants to participate and if one drops the baton, the whole generation suffers. Everyone must participate and pass on the baton in order to win.

Proverbs 28:20

If you come from a Christian family that espouses good values, please don’t be enticed by bad, immoral, and unbiblical behaviour. Often young people go astray from a good upbringing all in the name of experimenting and having ‘fun’.

Be careful not to walk outside of the blessing given to you at home. The service of honoring the Gospel veterans was essentially for the passing on of the baton because vision is transgenerational by nature.

Certain promises will be not revealed to you, but to your descendants. If you want to make sure that we see the outcomes of things in our lives we have to keep God’s principles.

In the book of Genesis, we note how God makes a promise to Abraham. He did not live to see all the promises. Abraham fathered Isaac, and Isaac fathered Jacob and Esau.
Jacob fathered 12 sons; the tribes of Israel. It looks like the 3rd generation is the tipping point of our obedience to God.

Genesis 12:1-3

God promised Abraham the Promised Land, but Abraham never lived to see all that God had promised him. Whatever God promises you; it will live beyond you and be seen by generations after you. God never disconnects you from your generation.

As a parent do not only depend on schoolteachers to teach your children. Parents also have the responsibility to take initiative and teach their children, particularly values and biblical principles. 

If you introduce into your family line things that are not right and have never been done in your family, you are breaking the family covenant. It will take time to detox whatever bad thing you introduce into your family. 

Parents must teach their children. Children do not make decisions in a vacuum. Take responsibility to raise your children and instruct them in the ways of the Lord. When blessings fall on you, they also get passed onto your children. 

Be watchful in all things, so that you may be able to finish the course of the vision that God has laid in your life. 

Sometimes children go astray and wonder why their misdeeds seem to never get them in any real trouble. What they don’t know is that they are under the covering and blessing of their parents.

Blessings are transgenerational.

The one who plants the Tamarisk tree (Covenant), plants it with the understanding that it is for the next generation.

4. Obedience or Blessings

How you choose to honour your parents, will determine the blessings in your life.

Genesis 21:33 Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he worshiped the LORD, the Eternal God.

When you read the Bible, there are certain patterns that occur. Therefore, when you read the Bible, take notice of the following patterns:

1. Blessings

The blessings that God blessed Abraham with were also pronounced to Abraham’s descendants. This is despite the descendants not being there at the time.

2. Curses and Punishments.

1 Samuel 3:13-17

Eli didn’t do what was right, and the curses that were spoken upon his life didn’t only affect him, but also his children.

3. Covenant.

Covenant is also transgenerational. David and Jonathan made a covenant, as found in the book of 2 Samuel 9:7

Genesis 28:4

When God speaks, it is as if it will happen now. However, God’s promises move from one person to another, it moves from you to your children and to your descendants. When God speaks to you, He speaks to you and the seed in you.

Scripture shows us the interconnectedness of generations:

Hebrews 11:39-40 “And these all, having had witness borne to them through their faith, received not the promise, God having provided some better thing concerning us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.”

Genesis 17:1-7

If we as a church do not fully understand the importance of the transgenerational vision, then we fail to understand how God truly operates. God in His true nature always has future generations in mind. 

The completion of the vision is a team effort, however, for the vision to unfold, everyone has to play their part.

2. Sacrifice for God’s ideals

When it comes to the things of God, you have to be willing to commit yourself. Be persistent and faithful, sacrificing other things, for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Do it even if you don’t feel like it. 

If we do not do our part today, then the next generation will not be able to finish off their race. Our mistake is that we do not think like God thinks. The coming generation needs to learn how to interact with God in order to see the fullness of God.

3. Hold on to your belief.

Hebrews 11 talks about the heroes of faith. Hold on for the sake of the next generation, who will reap the fruits of your faithfulness.

4. Understand why you are being attacked by the devil.

Satan wants to hold your generation hostage, so if you are the first generation to break a generational curse, all hell will break loose. But no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

5. Spiritual Practices

It is amazing to note that even spiritual practices such as tithing can affect unborn children in you. After looking at some of the patterns in the Bible, it is interesting to see that most of the things that God had promised seem to come into fruition-the realization or fulfillment in the 3rd generation.

In 2 Timothy 1:5, the faith that Timothy’s grandmother had was found in Timothy’s mother Eunice and later found in Timothy.

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. Remind faithful

Luke 16:10

You might have a vision that has not yet been fulfilled. This does not mean that you should stop doing what needs to be done. Even if you won’t live to see God’s promises, your job is to plant seeds that will benefit your next generation.

6. Training and influence.

Principles are also passed on in a transgenerational way. It seems that things that God promises do become established in the 3rd generation; they become spiritually and genetically encoded.

Many Thanks, I love you and I’m praying for you!



Sermon Script Writer: Morgan Lekgetho Mogagabe

Church Editor: Ms Bawinile Mahlangu

Ministry: IHPMI

Address: Chiawelo Ext3, Soweto

© 2022 Morgan Lekgetho Mogagabe

Pastor Lekgetho Morgan Mogagabe travels to many countries spreading the word of God. He is a Facilitator of Pastors of Grace under Dr Creflo Dollar Ministries.

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