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Gwaradzimba 0 Mpasiri 1 – In search of Excellence



After nearly 42 years of independence, Zimbabwe has come a long way towards the ideal yet more could have been achieved if a shared understanding existed on what is needed to accelerate the pace of inclusive development.

The human equation in converting promises into outcomes can never be overstated. As part of the Banking on Africa’s Future (BOAF) – 10,000 Points of Light (POL) initiative, the promise, and challenges of building a corporate literate Africa is more pronounced in the absence of generally agreed standards to measure professional excellence among the human providers of service.

If you were asked to identify 5 people in Africa who stand out as Chartered Accountants (CAs), where would you start?

Some 6 years ago, a group of people came up together who shared a common interest in broadening and deepening understanding of corporate matters.

The Friends of SMM (FOSMM) was born about 6 years ago and a lot of information was shared with a view to promoting literacy of the rule of law using the facts and circumstances of SMM as a reference.

This has resulted in many people improving their appreciation that craft excellence is a product of problem-solving.

Mr. Afaras Gwaradzimba’s, a professional Chartered Accountant, relationship with SMM is best described by himself in his own words under oath as follows:

He then further stated that:

He worked for SMM as a private company and then plotted to hijack his former client with government officials.

Gwaradzimba’s profile on the AMG website is as set out below:

Based on the above, Gwaradzimba’s appointment to be Administrator of SMM was not preceded by any judicial proceedings but was a direct consequence of an administrative fiat or decree promulgated by the late President Mugabe using the force of law.

Ordinarily, Gwaradzimba would have been conflicted to accept the appointment whose effect was to attack the professional ethics that underpin the profession but because the system is so broken, the professional body that regulates the professionals is toothless if not dead.

Munyeza below captures the reality of the weaponization of the profession for personal benefit:

Gwaradzimba describes how he was appointed as SMM Administrator in the following words:

Gwaradzimba was appointed by Chinamasa and not by any court of law and shareholders of the company were not notified of the decision to divest them of the control of their company.

Below is what he stated:

Against the above, backdrop, Mr. Tinashe Mupasiri, a member of JUROL and FOSMM as well as a director of TAP Building Products Limited (TAP), a Zambian registered company that was hijacked by Gwaradzimba, and $1 million was siphoned from the company, shared a very interesting conversation he had with Gwaradzimba.

This conversation exposes the question that Gwaradzimba asked Mr. Mpasiri’s uncle as follows:

Gwaradzimba who would like his corruption using public power to be kept under wraps wanted to know if Mr. Mpasiri’s credentials as an accountant were authentic.

It is not unusual to find people who jealously guard their profession yet use it to undermine it. Below is the thread that you may use to test who is an Accountant you can bank on – Gwaradzimba v Mpasiri?

[7:11 am, 24/02/2022] mdmawere1: [2/22, 5:08 PM] Tinashe Mpasiri: [2:57 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI:
[3:08 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Enjoy the words.
[3:15 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I am enjoying and I am also learning that the arch of the moral universe is long and bends towards justice under rule of law.
[3:20 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Inga zvako!!
[3:22 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: One day it will be a full circle with people you don’t know at all decide to just tarnish your image like you have decided to do with me. But, hey, it’s your time, enjoy as you’re doing.
[3:23 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: The online news media is owned and run by MDM
[3:29 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I grew up thinking that unemployment, poverty, and inequality were caused by things that we don’t see.

I have come to learn that when individuals have no respect for the rule of law and no regard for property rights, economic development is a mirage and you have been party to undermining the future of many Zimbabweans.
[3:30 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I thought you finished MDM.

When are you paying back the money you stole from TAP?
[3:52 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Obviously you’re referring to someone or something else. Up to today, all my life has always been to do with the objective to achieve equality and freedom (this is what I believe to be what makes me), and one day you will know that. I will never go about disparaging anyone’s name, but just do my professional work as I should. And you will agree, you have and will never ever hear me publicly talk bad about you or anyone. And I think that’s the biggest difference between you and me. You’re everything – applicant/prosecutor/jury/judge. You have done everything required and have found me guilty to the extent you found it necessary to tell the world!!
[3:53 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: You stole money. Payback the money.
[3:56 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: I can hear words of you, something which makes me feel sorry for you, and even sympathize..
[4:00 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: How can you feel sorry for me when my fight is that, justice under rule of law be the heritage of the people of Zimbabwe and the rest of the African continent. You ought to feel sorry for yourself, masquerading with a CA badge, yet a criminal. Any criminal conduct is a disgrace to CA profession.
[4:12 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Mr. Gwaradzimba, I am a director of TAP and owe a fiduciary duty to the company I serve. You lied to me that SMM was a shareholder of TAP and you were required by the Reconstruction Act to pursue all the assets deemed to be SMM assets. The facts are known to you today and in 2004 have not changed. In short, there was never a shareholding relationship between TAP and SMM as you told me. What is your legal justification of asserting a crime based on fraud? I used to look up to you and AMG, but the documents in my possession confirm that AMG is nothing a criminal, money-laundering machine. After 18 years of abusing public power for your personal benefit, you must look yourself in the mirror and own up to your own deeds. Fortunately, when Mr. Nyambe starts singing, …
[4:18 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: I thought you would know why I feel sorry for you, but obviously there may not be that capacity.
[4:20 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Your responsibility and duty to TAP would require that you do what you do professionally not to go and discuss your issues through the media.
[4:37 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Are you a public office bearer? I thought you were an Administrator appointed by the minister and not a court unless you self-appointed.

If you’re an Administrator created by law, then I find it disturbing that you would not want to be subject to public scrutiny.

Once appointed by the minister, to assume the control of a juristic entity, you become an administrative authority, meaning that your authority is exclusively based on the operation of law to exercise or perform any administrative power or duty.

I have been seized with the reality of your decision to apply a Zimbabwean statute in Zambia on the basis that to the best of your knowledge, SMM has a shareholding relationship with TAP.

In as much as you may claim that you’re bound by the Kajimanga j…
[4:41 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Interesting, your understanding of public scrutiny.
[5:00 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: The man I look up to is Thomas Jefferson, who said;

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”

“When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property, and justly liable to the inspection and vigilance of public opinion.”
[5:06 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Inga wakaverenga!
[5:07 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: So Mr. Gwaradzimba, I hold you accountable as a trustee of public power, and as such you’re public property and as such, you cannot escape my scrutiny
[5:07 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Inga unesimba rakakura chaizvo.
[2/22, 6:20 PM] Tinashe Mpasiri: [5:16 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: As a citizen, I owe my duty to the constitution
[5:27 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: I believe it’s every citizen’s duty. Only I don’t believe that duty extends to allowing citizens to say whatever they want about other citizens, without them having all the facts regarding the matter at hand.
[5:36 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: That’s exactly what I have been waiting for Mr. Gwaradzimba. You know more than I do.

I also agree with you that crime has no age and has no legs to move, so whatever you did in 2006, remains done and the facts are not capable of changing their reality.

I spoke to Mr. Nyambe who lied to me and said, AMG Chartered Accountants Zimbabwe was involved in some fee sharing arrangement. Why should you tell him to lie when the facts exist and you and I know them?

Is this the kind of Zimbabwe you want and fought for?
[5:38 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I am ashamed to call myself Zimbabwean when people like yourself that I looked up to, believe that the end justifies the means and accountability is only for certain people.
[5:40 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: As a public office bearer, tell me who authorized you to export the Reconstruction Act to Zambia and cause an invoice to be addressed to TAP you knew had no ownership relationship with the SMM that you were given as a weapon to decimate Mawere.

Where you appointed using public power to destroy Mawere using false information? I wonder.
[5:40 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Mr. Mpasiri, you can’t agree with me on something I have not said. If you want to say: “crime has no age and has no legs to move”, say so without saying that you agree with me, as if I ever said that.
[5:41 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Do you think crime can vanish, with time?
[5:42 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: I want to believe that some of the issues you’re bringing up will need to be answered in an appropriate setup.
[5:43 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Am not sure if you expect an answer?
[5:44 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I do expect an answer, sir. You’re my elder and wiser than me.
[5:44 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: And you’re now there to deal with the matter, except that your approach may not be appropriate.
[5:45 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Am never Sir.
[5:45 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Where you quoted correctly here?
[5:46 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Inga dzakakuwabdira nyaya dzacho.
[5:48 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: 👆Is that what you want to say?
[5:50 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Munengewo munoshereketa maningi. I was going to nominate you for honorary under JUROL.

And I recall president Mnangagwa stating, the mines were re-opened after Government won 22 out of 23 litigation cases. Only one case is still.

You have been very busy I must say.
[5:52 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I am only trying to verify. I get misquoted every day.
[5:52 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: How do you nominate someone you don’t know, for anything?
[5:54 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: But you have not verified most of what you tell the world. You only restate what your boss/es will have told you.
[5:58 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I have been reading the havoc you caused in TAP.

I am a CA but never in my life have I have ever heard an Administrator being appointed in relation to the affairs of TAP, only to appoint directors to assume the control of the same company he claims to be in control of.

Does this not deserve to be in the Guinness book of world records.

What liquidation prohibits, you permit.

I am sure if I were the president of Zambia, I would be looking for you to give you the award myself.

You’re a remarkable man Mr. Gwaradzimba. I am inspired by your creative genius to take money out of TAP and claim to be a saint
[5:59 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I do not have a boss, I AM the boss. If you don’t know me by now, you will soon do.
[5:59 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: So all this time you have been trying to tell me you are a CA? Wow!!
[6:01 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Are you by any chance a CA Mr. Gwaradzimba because your works seem to say you do not bong to the profession.
[6:01 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: This appears to make you an extraordinary CA, I guess.
[6:02 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: No terms will make a person what they are not.
[6:02 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Mr. Gwaradzimba sir, when you say something is a minor issue to the public and this involves property, what message are you trying to portray?
[6:03 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Obviously you don’t read with understanding Mr. CA, I have told you am not, or I don’t want to be referred to as sir.
[6:03 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Do you own any property yourself?
[6:04 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Mr. Gwaradzimba please be honest with me, why would insult a victim and say his injury is minor just because you are handling complex matters.

Do you have any advisors dealing with your PR?
[6:05 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: And I wonder as well, as to where you acquired your CA status.
[6:05 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Ask the last of your questions to yourself.
[6:06 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Because this kind of message apart from insulting gives the message that you’re untouchable in a democratic country.

I can see the parallels between TAP and Mawere’s house because, in both, you chowed the money with immunity coupled with arrogance.
[6:06 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Who would allow this kind of behavior or you report to yourself?
[6:07 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I am battling to understand your state of mind, hence I am asking you.
[6:07 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Unfortunately you’re making allegations against another person, which I certainly know, a CA would not do.
[6:07 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: Yes I do
[6:08 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: These are facts Mr. Gwaradzimba
[6:08 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: You actually need to ask that question to yourself.
[6:08 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I have got the facts and if I didn’t have the facts, I would not bother.
[6:08 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: Do you know where it is/they are?
[6:09 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: It is so unfortunate that you underestimate, but one day, you will surely remember me.
[6:12 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: You believe you have the facts. If you had the facts, you would not need to say what you’re saying to me ever since the day you said to me: “My name is Mr. Tinashe Mpasiri”. The matter would have long been properly dealt with.
[6:12 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: I will never forget you for more reasons than one. I never underestimate anything.
[6:13 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: On TAP, are you confident that justice was done when you and your partner in crime, Manikai, working in cahoots with Mundashi and Nyambe including PWC, intentionally and knowingly hijacked a Zambia company with no facts to support this kind of primitive accumulation.
[6:14 pm, 22/02/2022] Gwaradzimba: I also see that you have very little to do outside of this subject matter. Hear from you on another day.
[6:16 pm, 22/02/2022] BOAF MPASIRI: I am following all the forensics and your Mr. Nyambe has already thrown you under the bus. In case you didn’t know.

He says that you used AMG Global Zambia as a vehicle for laundering money.

By the way, who did you pay school fees for in Australia with the TAP money?
[2/22, 10:51 PM] Prof Mupasiri: This is a great exposition there.

Thieves don’t keep records. AMG is in hot soup.

Jurol is circling around these criminals. The problem shall be solved.

The case of white collar criminals clothed in public power.

Can someone tell Me. AMG that a chameleon can change its color, but facts change not!

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