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Holomisa’s Letter to Ministers Ignored: Is There Something They’re Hiding?



Explosive Revelations and Ominous Silence Surrounding $2.7 Million Scandal

In a shocking twist, the saga surrounding the $2.7 million, The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) bribery and extortion scandal involving Chinamasa, Mnangagwa’s key November 2017 coup that deposed the late Mugabe, takes a dark turn as the Ministers of Police, Justice, and Constitutional Development, along with TCCC’s President, seemingly turn a blind eye to General Bantu Holomisa’s urgent letter.

In a related matter, President Mnangagwa’s affidavit in support of his opposition to an application under Case Number CCZ 34/21 in terms of s. 167(2)(d) as read with s. 167(3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe launched by Mr. Tichaona Mupasiri, a member of the Justice Under Rule of Law (JUROL) an initiative to promote and protect the supremacy of the constitution and its binding obligations imposed on every person to ensure accountability at the person level, it is worth sharing the following extract and juxtapose it with the facts of this bribery scandal:

Ad paragraph 1O7-123

Para. 71:              The views held by Gwaradzimba on the constitutionality of the Reconstruction Act are informed by extant judgments of the apex court. Those views are shared by my government and can only be revised if a pronouncement to the contrary is issued by this court.

Para. 72               The facts relating to SMM are known to me. They are contained in the court records. I am briefed on them. The fact that Mawere has lost his matters in court is also known to me. It is a matter of public record. Besides, I am fully briefed on it.

It is telling that Mnangagwa admits being the Mafia-like boss in relation to the facts and circumstances of this matter.

The deafening silence to General Bantu Holomisa’s request for a thorough investigation into this interstate crime raises the pressing question: Is there something they’re hiding?

The intricate layers of this scandal, involving corruption, misuse of power, and erosion of trust, are unraveling before our eyes. General Holomisa’s unwavering pursuit of truth and justice has cast a spotlight on the alleged abuse of the Reconstruction Act—a legislative tool that has allegedly paved the way for a grand theft operation. Amidst the chaos, a sinister nexus of players, from government officials to corporate entities, comes to the forefront.

Most astonishing of all is the alleged involvement of President Ramaphosa, a figure held in high regard. Accusations swirl that his failure to initiate an inquiry into the acquisition of rights under a Zimbabwean law may have breached his oath, enabling the liquidation of Petter—a move that masks a deeper layer of deception.

Holomisa’s fervent call for a comprehensive investigation echoes as a beacon of hope, demanding the truth be unearthed. Yet, the silence from the Ministers and TCCC’s President speaks volumes—inviting speculation about their intentions.

Amid the labyrinthine legalities and potential obfuscation, one thing remains clear: General Holomisa’s pursuit of justice will not be stifled. His letter to the State Attorney seeks answers, clarity, and a pathway to the truth. His determination serves as a stark reminder that transparency is not negotiable.

As the saga takes unexpected twists, the narrative becomes a battle for accountability and integrity. With every unanswered question, the urgency grows. The public watches and waits, hungry for the truth behind the silence.

In a world of intrigue and shadows, General Holomisa’s quest for justice blazes on, unyielding and determined. The silent actors in this drama may find that their secrets are harder to keep than they anticipated. As the pieces fall into place, one can’t help but wonder: What are they trying to hide, and can they evade the unrelenting pursuit of truth?

The $2.7 million scandal unfolds with General Holomisa at the helm, unafraid to challenge the powerful and expose the concealed. The story is far from over—its twists and turns are sure to keep us on the edge of our seats, eagerly awaiting the next revelation.

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