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You are A Beautiful Message: Monday Motivation With Brian Kazungu



You are a letter addressed to all whom it may concern for the glory of God and for the joy of humanity.

2 Corinthians 3:2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men (KJV).

I believe that your presence on earth is meant for a purpose and that the interactions between you and others is meant to make this world a wonderful book to read.

However, somehow you may be tempted or forced to abandon your purpose and assume the personalities of those who you are supposed to complement. 

Unfortunately, when you abandon your purpose in life, your gifts and talents will thus be under-utilized and the glory of God will not be fully appreciated.

As such, please dig deeper into your personal self so that you can realize who you are and then put effort to fit it well into the life puzzle and solve the mystery of life. 

Your mere presence on this planet is meant to beautify the earth and put a smile on someone’s face.

Always remember that you are a beautiful text written in God’s own handwriting and therefore you have a beauty of your own that needs to be shown.

When you fail to identify and understand your unique identity in life, you become a faint and illegible marking in this book called life thus undermining the ingenuity of God, the author thereof.


  1. Write down the moments when you tried to adopt someone else’s character and personality and give the reasons behind.
  2. Recount the moments when you refused to bow down to peer pressure and things worked for you.
  3. Recount the moments when you succumbed to peer pressure and things did not go well for you.
  4. Ask yourself whether you are an independent individual who has got a say in your personal life or you are just an extension of someone else?
  5. Decide to be independent and real but do not just be stubborn and hard headed, please make informed decisions.

Brian Kazungu is a Christian, Media Practitioner, Author, Poet, Technology Enthusiast, Entrepreneur and an Opinion Leader.

Monday Motivation is adapted from his motivational and inspirational book titled Fresh Thinking (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1654359335).

For more of his writings and motivation, follow him on:


