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Innovative Minds: Chizengeni Secondary Students Create Hydraulic Robot



Dylan and Milton: Students from Chizengeni Secondary School

In an inspiring showcase of ingenuity and technical skill, two students from Chizengeni Secondary School, Dylan Rwodzi and Milton Musimurimwa, have successfully designed and built a hydraulic robot under the mentorship of their dedicated science teacher, Mr. Zarera. This project is not just a testament to the students’ passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), but also aligns with Zimbabwe’s Vision 2030 and the global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on quality education.

The hydraulic robot project exemplifies the remarkable potential of young minds when given the right support and resources. Dylan and Milton, guided by Mr. Zarera’s expert mentorship, used locally sourced materials and basic tools to create a functioning robot powered by hydraulic systems. Their innovative approach and problem-solving abilities underscore the significant impact that hands-on, practical STEM education can have on students.

Mr. Zarera’s role in this project was crucial. As a seasoned science teacher with a passion for inspiring his students, he provided the encouragement and expertise needed to bring Dylan and Milton’s vision to fruition. His dedication to STEM education is evident in the students’ impressive work and their ability to tackle complex challenges.

“Dylan and Milton have shown exceptional dedication and innovation in their project,” said Mr. Zarera. “Their ability to work together, think creatively, and overcome challenges is a testament to their potential in STEM fields. I am incredibly proud of their achievement and look forward to seeing their future endeavors.”

This project not only highlights the students’ technical skills but also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration in education. The success of Dylan and Milton is a proud moment for Chizengeni Secondary School and a beacon of what can be achieved through hands-on learning and creative thinking.

STEM in motion

As Zimbabwe embraces Vision 2030, there is a call to action for educators across the nation to showcase their students’ projects and achievements. By sharing successes like those of Dylan and Milton, teachers can inspire their peers and students, creating a ripple effect of innovation and excellence in STEM education. This approach aligns with SDG 4, which emphasizes the importance of quality education and lifelong learning opportunities.

Teachers are encouraged to learn from one another and to make the most of technology in their classrooms. Technology offers unprecedented opportunities for conducting life-changing research and solving societal problems. By leveraging digital tools and collaborative platforms, educators can enhance their teaching methods, engage students more effectively and drive meaningful change.

The example set by Chizengeni Secondary School demonstrates the incredible potential of young innovators when supported by dedicated educators. As we look toward the future, the contributions of students like Dylan and Milton remind us of the bright prospects ahead. With continued support and encouragement, the next generation of scientists, engineers and problem-solvers will be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

It is both inspirational and motivational to celebrate and share the achievements of our students, support their innovative projects and embrace the technological advancements that can transform education. By doing so, we can collectively work towards achieving Vision 2030 and ensuring a brighter future for all.

A village boy, a prolific storyteller who believes there is learning, unlearning and relearning in storytelling as well as shared lived experiences. A friend of justice and ROL

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