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“Navigating the Crossroads: Perspectives on Justice, Journalism, and Digital Collaboration in Zimbabwe,” powered by the BOAF-10,000POL initiative



From the chat logs provided, it seems that the discussion revolves around legal and constitutional issues in the context of Zimbabwe, with a particular focus on the role of journalists, the justice system, and the political landscape. Here are some insights and observations:

  1. The Challenge of Fake News and Identity Verification:
    • The conversation starts with a concern about the challenges of judgment in the era of fake news, deepfakes, and the difficulty in verifying the identity of social media account owners.
    • There’s a discussion about the burden of proof and the idea that individuals shouldn’t have to prove their innocence in the absence of concrete facts.
  2. Lawyer’s Conduct and Role:
    • The role of lawyers as officers of the court is discussed, with an emphasis on respecting legal processes. However, there is skepticism about participating in a process perceived as flawed or unjust.
    • The concept of using legal processes to expose the flaws in the system is brought up, highlighting the tension between respect for the legal system and the desire to challenge its shortcomings.
  3. Journalism and Activism:
    • The arrest of a journalist named Hopewell is discussed, with differing perspectives on whether he is genuinely a journalist or an agent undermining the government.
    • The conversation delves into the role of journalism and whether it should be strictly neutral or if journalists can take a stand on political issues.
  4. Ethics in Journalism:
    • The government’s argument that journalism is being contaminated by individuals with political agendas is presented, prompting a discussion on the need for rules and distinguishing features within the journalism profession.
    • The question arises whether a journalist should self-regulate or if there is a need for external regulation to maintain professional standards.
  5. Political Situation in Zimbabwe:
    • The conversation extends to the political situation in Zimbabwe, with discussions on alleged corruption, calls for government change, and the possibility of a citizen-led revolution.
    • There’s debate on whether an opposition-led National Transitional Authority (NTA) could bring about change, and the idea of actively exposing leaders deemed unfit for office is considered.
  6. Digital Collaboration and Community Building:
    • Towards the end, there is a mention of a project called BANKING ON AFRICA’S FUTURE (BOAF)—10,000 POINTS OF LIGHT (POL), focusing on creating a digitally connected community to address legal and constitutional issues.
    • The concept of aggregating and optimizing big data to provide solutions is introduced, and individuals are invited to be part of the initiative.

In summary, the conversation reflects a complex and dynamic socio-political environment where individuals grapple with issues of justice, journalism ethics, political activism, and the potential for digital collaboration to address societal challenges. The diverse perspectives within the chat highlight the complexity of navigating these issues in the context of Zimbabwe.

[8/20, 6:27 PM] mdmawere1: Hi [8/20, 6:39 PM] Sam Mungadze: Evening sir [8/20, 6:41 PM] mdmawere1: Did you go through the above? [8/20, 6:51 PM] Sam Mungadze: Yes, I did listen to it [8/20, 6:51 PM] mdmawere1: What is your take? [8/20, 6:55 PM] Sam Mungadze: For me, the judgment is problematic mainly because, one can’t be judged for a post that they didn’t write. In the current fake news environment, millions of fake social media accounts exist, and the onus is on the court to prove the owner. It can’t be the burden of the accused to prove innocence in the absence of facts. Why should I help people lynch me? These days, there are even deepfakes, including videos that may appear authentic [8/20, 6:55 PM] mdmawere1: Did you read the judgment? [8/20, 6:57 PM] Sam Mungadze: Yes, I have [8/20, 6:57 PM] Sam Mungadze: The letter for me is inconsequential [8/20, 6:57 PM] Sam Mungadze: She expressed a view based on facts available to her [8/20, 6:58 PM] mdmawere1: What should the conduct of a lawyer in matters that are before a Court? [8/20, 6:58 PM] mdmawere1: Why would a lawyer need to be before a Court that she has determined as a matter of fact as captured? [8/20, 6:59 PM] Sam Mungadze: A lawyer is an officer of the court and must respect the process but Zimbabwe isn’t a normal state to wait to be crucified then fight back [8/20, 7:00 PM] mdmawere1: Then why subject oneself to a process that you have determined as a sham? [8/20, 7:01 PM] Sam Mungadze: To expose the folly of the system [8/20, 7:02 PM] mdmawere1: Do you need to be a lawyer to expose the folly of a system? [8/20, 7:06 PM] Sam Mungadze: But what happens when injustice is the order of the day? Why is Hopewell locked right now? [8/20, 7:09 PM] mdmawere1: Have you understood the true nature of the Hopewell dispute? [8/20, 7:21 PM] Sam Mungadze: Yes, the state is accusing him of inciting violence. To the best of my knowledge, he urged people to demonstrate against corruption as many are dying due to the lack of service delivery [8/20, 7:23 PM] mdmawere1: So they are saying that they did not arrest any journalist who is honest to his work. They argue that Hopewell is an agent to undermine and defeat the constitutional standing of a legitimate government. [8/20, 7:27 PM] Sam Mungadze: But that can’t be true as facts stand now. Have they proved he is an agent? They threw mud at him, and how he cleans himself makes it his burden. [8/20, 7:27 PM] mdmawere1: They are saying the tweets in dispute have nothing to do with the profession of journalism. [8/20, 7:33 PM] Sam Mungadze: A journalist is a human being first, so how do you distinguish? ED is a president but also a father, does that disqualify him to sharing his frustrations as a parent? [8/20, 7:34 PM] mdmawere1: But what is a journalist? Does a shared understanding exist? [8/20, 7:34 PM] Sam Mungadze: It does but it doesn’t take individualism [8/20, 7:35 PM] mdmawere1: Where is this shared understanding manifest? [8/20, 7:39 PM] Sam Mungadze: I guess that depends on context. I don’t think there is universal understanding on all issues, especially with the dynamism of life we experience now [8/20, 7:42 PM] mdmawere1: The govt is making a case that the profession is being contaminated by non-professionals who wish to pursue political agendas under the guise of a profession meant to inform, educate and entertain without favor or prejudice, [8/20, 7:43 PM] Sam Mungadze: I don’t think there is a dispute that he is a journalist. He has enough ammunition to prove it [8/20, 7:44 PM] mdmawere1: They are saying that he overstepped the mark like the Magistrate found in the case of Mtetwa. [8/20, 7:44 PM] Sam Mungadze: For me, I think objectivity in journalism means one must be leaning on something to take that stand. One can’t be objective in abstract [8/20, 7:45 PM] mdmawere1: But why have a profession without rules? For instance, can a doctor self-regulate? [8/20, 7:45 PM] Sam Mungadze: A journalist is a citizen first. What are his rights as a citizen? Did he overstep those? [8/20, 7:46 PM] Sam Mungadze: Ethics are guidelines, not ultimate [8/20, 7:46 PM] Sam Mungadze: It’s a behavioral control for the sector [8/20, 7:46 PM] mdmawere1: Why have an identity of a journalist if there are no distinguishing features? [8/20, 7:47 PM] Sam Mungadze: Distinguishing features are there but that doesn’t take away my sovereign existence as a citizen [8/20, 7:48 PM] Sam Mungadze: Lawyers just like journalists are also citizens [8/20, 7:48 PM] mdmawere1: They are saying that no one is taking anyone’s right, but if you are saying that ZANUPFMUSTGO what exactly does this mean in a constitutional democracy? [8/20, 7:48 PM] Sam Mungadze: It means he took a stand [8/20, 7:48 PM] Sam Mungadze: He had taken a stand that he believes in [8/20, 7:49 PM] mdmawere1: They are saying that the next election is in 2023, and before then, what would be the legal and constitutional basis to unseat a government based on untested allegations of corruption? [8/20, 7:49 PM] mdmawere1: What is the legal and constitutional basis of taking a stand that falls outside the constitution in removing a legitimate government? [8/20, 7:50 PM] Sam Mungadze: People are dying in hospital, and supposedly free citizens are being abducted by a government outfit, ferret. Why wait for 2023 when you are oppressed? [8/20, 7:50 PM] Sam Mungadze: Calling for the removal of government that doesn’t represent my aspirations isn’t illegal [8/20, 7:52 PM] mdmawere1: Are you suggesting a coup? [8/20, 7:52 PM] mdmawere1: Some may argue that there is a pathway to remove and create public office bearers. [8/20, 7:54 PM] Sam Mungadze: The country is under siege, normal human instinct in such an environment is survival, no matter what it takes [8/20, 7:56 PM] mdmawere1: That is the dispute in motion. Do you agree that this dispute goes beyond the profession of journalism and/or any other professional mask? [8/20, 7:57 PM] Sam MungadzYes,Yes it does but the genesis is important of how we got here [8/20, 7:58 PM] mdmawere1: Should this not be the domain of active citizenship underpinned by civics literacy rather than use journalism as a bridge to achieve a predetermined outcome? [8/20, 8:03 PM] Sam Mungadze: Any means necessary I guess we have been through a lot as a people, and most of us have little to show of our existence on this earth. [8/20, 8:25 PM] mdmawere1: [8:06 PM, 8/20/2020] Chris Maroleng: Hectic stuff Good evening, big bro! [8:10 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: Good evening to you, my brother [8:10 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: Great questions you asked but no coherent answers [8:11 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: [8/20, 8:10 PM] Wellington Muzengeza: I thought it was good but I get the sense that there is an agenda to socialize people to the idea of an NTA even though there is no constitutional justification for such an animal. I also agree with Philani that an incumbent-driven NTA will not work for obvious reasons and also in light of the contested legitimacy issues surrounding the last election results and the November 2017 events. I am of the view that only a revolution evolving out of the organic uprising of the average citizen without any prompting from any of the current political protagonists will bring about real change. [8/20, 8:11 PM] mdmawere1: What is good to talk to the converted? [8:11 PM, 8/20/2020] Chris Maroleng: It’s a difficult situation in Zim with no silver bullet. It’s unfair to expect cogent answers [8:12 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: But if the idea of informing options and next steps is based on assumptions, then what follows?! [8:13 PM, 8/20/2020] Chris Maroleng: I think Zim is ripe for a citizen-led revolution. I just do think the people are ready to much fatigue [8:14 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: Indeed. Yet this will not call for an NTA. [8:15 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: [8:11 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: What is good to talk to the converted? [8:13 PM, 8/20/2020] Wellington Muzengeza: Nothing, I suppose. How did you find the discussion? [8:14 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: Imagine I live on an island and start believing it is not. [8:16 PM, 8/20/2020] Chris Maroleng: In the absence of citizens willing to move for change… NTA might be an option amongst many [8:17 PM, 8/20/2020] Chris Maroleng: Yeah true story [8:18 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: But this requires parties to a technocratic approach to substitute coup authors who claim to have won an election. [8:20 PM, 8/20/2020] Chris Maroleng: This is the riddle I’m trying to unpack. what pressure can be applied by whom [8:22 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: Imagine people focused on Mnangagwa, the man, and established with facts that he is not fit for purpose as happened in the case of Zuma using all the weapons including exposing the judiciary’s complicity, this could have better traction. [8:23 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: [8:16 PM, 8/20/2020] Wellington Muzengeza: That would be a tragedy and almost delusional [8:17 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: Imagine the suggestion of an NTA to ED. [8:21 PM, 8/20/2020] Wellington Muzengeza: That would not be an option in my view. If one can assume power through the ultimate violation of the constitution through a military coup, and continue to preside over violations of that constitution almost repeatedly against citizens’ rights. I don’t see them even paying an audience to such [8:23 PM, 8/20/2020] mdmawere1: So why assume that ED would simply evaporate without showing that he is not fit for purpose? [8/20, 9:05 PM] Sam Mungadze: Let me read the conversation [8/20, 9:07 PM] mdmawere1: Ok

Aug 21, 2020, 4:50 AM

Happy New Yr my brother

Jan 3, 2021, 1:49 PM

Same to you. Much appreciated.

Jan 3, 2021, 2:00 PM


Nov 19, 2021, 1:15 PM

Mr Mawere how are u?

Nov 19, 2021, 1:34 PM

Fine and you. Are you interested in reading some of the judgments referred to by me?

Nov 19, 2021, 1:39 PM

Yes please Mr Mawere

Nov 19, 2021, 1:58 PM

This is my whatsapp number +27832692874. Would you mind if I added you to the Friends of SMM group?

Nov 19, 2021, 2:09 PM

No problem Mr Mawere I would be happy to be included

Nov 19, 2021, 2:21 PM

You can contact me on whatsapp.

Nov 19, 2021, 2:23 PM

I will

Nov 19, 2021, 2:47 PM


Yesterday, 6:06 PM

Hello Mr. Matereke

Yesterday, 6:08 PM

Its Mawere.

Yesterday, 6:22 PM

Sorry! I know you are Mr Mawere. It was autocorrect that distorted your name

Yesterday, 10:11 PM

How are you?

6:16 AM

Trust Matsilele, Ph.D.


I teach journalism at Birmingham City University. When I am not in class, I am researching the intersection of technology and society Joined July 2014 · 3,586 Followers Followed by Ethan Malibongwe Moyo, Kiwano, and 480 others you follow Hello Yesterday, 6:07 PM Hello sir Yesterday, 6:08 PM Are you involved in the media ecosystem? Yesterday, 6:23 PM Not anymore hey, now full-time in academia Yesterday, 6:28 PM Where? Yesterday, 6:45 PM UK, Birmingham University Yesterday, 7:50 PM Great. 6:17 AM I am part of a project under the theme BANKING ON AFRICA’S FUTURE (BOAF)—10,000 POINTS OF LIGHT (POL), whose primary objective is to provoke, ignite, and inspire the conversion of 10,000 individuals into a community of diverse, forward-leaning, and problem-solving actors. This is a pilot project involving the collaboration of natural and artificial people in aggregating, accelerating, and optimizing the use of big data to provide solutions. We have already started this initiative focusing on corporate, legal, and constitutional issues by building a platform model like Uber for the supply and demand sides of legal problems and solutions that may require common sense, logic, and reason beyond acquired knowledge in the form of degrees. Would you be offended if I nominated you as one of the 10,000 pilot communities of digitally connected people? 6:26 AM ·

6:56 AM

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