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“No attitude will pay bills or put food on the table,” asserts Mmabatho Makganye.



“Security guard takes home R4 500+ monthly.

Waitress earn R2 500 to R3 500+

Street vendor makes about R200 + a day that is approximately R6 000 per month.

Taxi driver makes about R1 000 per week that is almost R4 000

Domestic worker/ Gardener takes home R3 500 + monthly

Petrol attendant makes R1 700 + a week
That is approximately R6 800 +

Cashier makes about R3 500+ monthly

You’re sitting at home earning R0 .00 per month and you say you won’t be Mantshingelani (Security Guard) , Mageza (Taxi driver) or Cashier because you’re educated, yet you’re an expense at home. Yet again you neeed airtime, cosmetics, data, and clothes monthly.

We need to face reality and take whatever comes our way, Times are very bad now and job opportunities are to slim. R 4 000 per month can make a change for you.

You attitude won’t pay your bills or put food on the table. It’s painful to see our mothers and fathers who are 50+ going to work whereas you are busy with booze and parties.

Forget about your qualifications, go and look for job. Whether it is a supermarket or restaurant job don’t hesitate, take it. That piece of paper (qualification) won’t give you money if you are sleeping. Wake up!!”

Post Written by: Mmabatho Makganye (Facebook)

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