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Progressive Caucus Demands Inclusive GNU

In a significant development ahead of the first sitting of the 7th Parliament, the Progressive Caucus, comprising several political parties including the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and the African Transformation Movement (ATM), held a media briefing to address their stance on the proposed Government of National Unity (GNU). The briefing, led by EFF Deputy President Floyd Shivambu, highlighted concerns over the ANC’s exclusionary tactics and called for a more inclusive approach to forming the new government.



Members of the Progressive Caucus, including the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and the United Democratic Movement (UDM), hold a media briefing ahead of the 7th Parliament's first sitting.

Cape Town, South Africa — In a media briefing held today, members of the Progressive Caucus, which includes political parties such as the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), the African Transformation Movement (ATM), and others, addressed the nation regarding their stance on the ongoing political developments. The briefing, which took place ahead of the first sitting of the 7th Parliament, was aimed at clarifying the group’s position on the proposed Government of National Unity (GNU).

EFF Deputy President Floyd Shivambu, speaking on behalf of the caucus, criticized the African National Congress (ANC) for what he described as exclusionary tactics. He asserted that the ANC’s approach undermines the principles of a truly inclusive GNU. “The intention of the ANC is not to have a GNU that includes all 18 political parties, but rather to form a coalition with their preferred partners,” Shivambu stated.

Other leaders from the Progressive Caucus echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the need for a government that reflects the diversity of South Africa’s political landscape. They expressed frustration over the ANC’s failure to engage with all parties collectively, instead opting to negotiate with select groups.

The briefing also highlighted the urgency of the situation, with members pointing out that the ANC has not responded adequately to their requests for discussions. UDM leader Bantu Holomisa called for a more transparent and inclusive negotiation process, stating, “We must be given an opportunity to look into the document circulated this morning and negotiate as a bloc representing this forum.”

As the first sitting of the 7th Parliament approaches, the Progressive Caucus remains firm in its stance. They insist on negotiating as a collective and are prepared to challenge any attempts to marginalize their participation in the formation of the new government.

Public Reaction

The media briefing has sparked a range of reactions from the public. Comments on social media platforms reveal a spectrum of opinions:

  • Ambrose Padayachy: “Bantu Holomisa has been a fence sitter too long.”
  • Morries007: “Politicians scrambling desperately for a meal ticket while living in the past. No one mentioning putting the country and its growth first.”
  • Trust Protege: “The last kick of a dying horse… The EFF is so desperate.”

These reactions reflect the broader sentiment of skepticism and frustration among South Africans, who are eager to see a government that prioritizes national interests over political maneuvering.

Future Prospects

As the Progressive Caucus awaits the ANC’s response, the political landscape remains uncertain. The possibility of a truly inclusive Government of National Unity seems tenuous, with both sides standing firm on their positions. The outcome of these negotiations will significantly impact the direction of South Africa’s governance and its ability to address pressing national issues.

For ongoing coverage and updates on this developing story, follow iniAfrica on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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