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Look at Bakers Inn – Bread is a largley cash product. Bakers Inn as 60-70% Zim Market Share.

They generate 5,000,000 USD a day in bread sales.

That’s 1.8 Billion USD a year revenue.

But Bakers Inn Makes No profits.

Where does the profit go.

  • To lease rentals of retail premises to you know who
  • To overinflated wheat and Maize prices they pay National Foods and PHI Commodities.

Why do National Foods and PHI Commodities make no profits.

Because they pay overinflated prices to their offshore wheat supplier not owned by Innscor but by Zed.

And that’s how he takes all his profits offshore hidden.

But he doubles up because he does huge Forex Arbitrage with his cash.

Interbank Deals

Forex Allocations.


And on say the Bakers Inn and Chicken Inn

These are cash businesses.

So the landlords gets their overinflated rent mainly in USD cash.

For USD cash:

How does Zed get it out?

He gives it to the Gold Dealers – Scott/Pastor Paul etc and they buy Gold and export to Dubai for Zeds Pocket.

Where rent is paid in RTGS. What does Zed do – he gives it to dealers who convert it to USD who then give it to Gold Dealers and it’s flown to Dubai.


The Gold Mafia is Zed

I know because I worked for him.

Pastor Paul’s sole job was to externalise Zeds profits to Dubai.

Pastor Paul wasn’t operating profitably.

His mandate was to get 1 USD cash from Zed in Zim and get it to Dubai even if only 70 cents landed in Dubai.

The whole Gold Industry in Zim is how Zed launders his profit to Dubai.

Al Jazeera, all these people knew this I gave them evidence but they were not interested at all.

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