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South Africa Commends ICJ Ruling Against Israel for Gaza Violence



Johannesburg, January 26, 2024 — In a historic address today, President Cyril Ramaphosa commended the ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the State of Israel regarding its actions in the Gaza Strip. The ICJ, as the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, asserted South Africa’s right to bring Israel to court, even though it is not directly involved in the conflict.

President Cyril Ramaphosa. Photo credit: GCIS

The court’s judgment emphasized provisional measures for Israel to prevent further acts of genocide in Gaza, desist from such acts, and ensure the preservation of evidence related to genocide. President Ramaphosa expressed gratitude for these measures and emphasized that they are binding on Israel and must be respected by all parties to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

The ruling comes after South Africa’s application to the ICJ on December 29, 2023, condemning Israel’s actions in response to the October 7, 2023, attack by Hamas. The court acknowledged the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza and expressed deep concern about the continuing loss of life and human suffering.

President Ramaphosa highlighted the disproportionate civilian death toll and destruction resulting from Israel’s response, claiming it was vastly disproportionate to any self-defense justification. The ICJ’s order affirmed a plausible case of genocide, marking a significant step in South Africa’s pursuit of justice for the people of Gaza.

The president rejected criticism of South Africa’s involvement, asserting their obligation to stand against crimes reminiscent of their own apartheid history. Ramaphosa called for concerted efforts towards a ceasefire and negotiations for a permanent two-state solution, enabling Israel and Palestine to coexist independently.

South Africa thanked the international community for supporting their application, expressing hope that the ICJ’s order would pave the way for an end to the crisis, loss of life, and hardship, fostering reconciliation and a just, lasting peace.

President Ramaphosa concluded, echoing Nelson Mandela’s words, “Never, never and never again shall acts of genocide be perpetrated with impunity as we, the international community, look on.”

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