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South Africa’s Entertainment Industry Mogul, Mr Frank Mohapi, Recognized as a Shining Light by the Banking on Africa’s Future (BOAF) Selection Committee



Mr. Frank Mohapi

Brian Kazungu, 02/05/2021

South Africa’s Entertainment Industry mogul and Sky Rink Studio Pty Limited, Executive Chairman, Mr. Frank Mohapi, has been recognized as a shining light in the African continent by the Banking on Africa’s Future initiative which will induct him tomorrow, the 3rd of May 2021.

BOAF, an 1873 Network initiative will induct him as one of the 10 000 Points of Light which refers to individuals who are recognized as shining examples in their respective communities and industries because of the great work they do to raise the continent’s flag high.

The induction ceremony, a collaborative initiative of BOAF, Connections2Communities (C2C) and the Africa Heritage Society will be held at The ROYAL INDIA RESTAURANT located on No.2 Maude Street in Sandton, Johannesburg at 6pm in the evening.

Mr. Mohapi, leads SKS, an entertainment business which is situated on 2 400m² facility that offers six studios, ranging in size from a 240m² space to two studios, separated by an acoustic door divider, giving a combined space of 1 000m².

The Sky Rink Studio ecosystem houses film and television production houses are situated under one roof where content creators can walk in with storylines and walk out seeing them given life in the form of quality TV dramas and talk shows, sports and music shows.

SKS is well equipped to produce world-class dramas, sitcoms, telenovelas, news features, talk shows, sports and advertising productions and it is a one-stop shop which exhaustively for any producer’s needs such as live schedule, hosting channels and on site live-streaming.

It has fully equipped production offices with 10 post-production suites plus make-up rooms as well as waiting rooms, both private and communal.

The Banking on Africa’s Future (BOAF) – 10,000 Points of Light (POL) Selection Committee found it fit to appreciate and celebrate the great work that some dedicated people in Africa, like Mr Mohapi are doing to bring light to what others are regarding as a dark continent.

BOAF is an initiative of the 1873 Network, a member-based not-for-profit organization established in South Africa, founded to provoke, inspire and ignite new and innovative ways of problem solving in Africa based on connected, equipped and forward leaning voluntary actors.

Mr. Singh, Director of BOAF -10,000 POL initiative said that the effort put forward by Mr Mohapi is a bright light that gives a beautiful picture which reveals the uncelebrated beauty of Africa.

He added that Africa is in desperate need for investments such as the Sky Rink Studios and as such, the more BOAF spreads the news of such great actors like Mohapi, many actors in the continent will be inspired to rise up and act thus positively transforming the continent.

The idea behind Sky Rink Studios in Johannesburg’s Central Business District was conceived and given life through the meeting of the minds between a Communications and PR Specialist, Mr Mohape, Producer, Marvin Mathibe as well as IT and Media Enthusiast, Miles Britton-Masekela

Such a meeting of the minds enabled the access to financial assistance from finance institutions like the IDC and the NEF, by our inductee to help his producer friend, Marvin Mathibe to secure a studio for filming.

The lack of proper studios especially for filming in Johannesburg is what activated the decision to build a bank of hope in the entertainment industry which would be inclusive and ready to serve the creatives.

These 3 actors went on to negotiate with Transnet for a 2 000-seater ballroom but they were rather offered a disused ice rink.

I believe in the principle and the Mr Singh, the BOAF Points of Light Director who owns The Royal India Restaurant in Sandton said that his business was created on the same principle of “go big or go home” plus a CAN DO approach just like in the Sky Rink Studios journey.

“Sometimes when I speak about BOAF, it is not easy for many people to see that that outcomes can be accelerated when one can bank on others. It is true that the trio was able to bank on Transnet, a state owned entity, who offered the floor and other support.

I had the privilege to take Mr. Mawere to the facilities two weeks ago. He was as impressed as anyone would be by the studios that are surrounded by several control and sound rooms. Each studio is kitted out with LED lighting, high-definition facilities and three cameras.

I believe that the BOAF idea with 10,000 candles as subjects for a new form of story-telling uniquely compliments the idea of a bank of content production in this continent.

The fact that SKS, a highway that can accommodate a diversity of producers, is designed and operated as platform or uber-like business, which also allows members of BOAF and others to use these facilities for the generation and broadcasting of content to a world without borders.

It is indeed a bank of hope in Johanneburg and bringing life back to the City Centre is an initiative that speaks to the spirit of BOAF and the location allows for easy access for extras (additional people brought in on a temporary basis for crowd scenes).”

Imagine 10,000 Africans coming together as a crowd or bank to purchase the rights to this studio so that it can be a platform to produce our content to the world at this defining moment in the history of Africa. What a different would US$500 per year per person to make this happen?” Mr Singh suggested.

Management Consultant, as well as C2C, AHS and BOAF member, Ms. Janice Greaver celebrated Mr Mohapi’s recognition and induction by saying: “I have been working on a business case for the BOAF-10,000 Points of Light  and thus the addition of SKS to our portfolio of assets available to makes this project unmistakable realizable.

Our target of 10,000 Points of Light is a modest goal because Africa’s population of over 1 billion people is too large to fathom, but I believe that with a minimum of 10,000 light bearers, the dream of owning our own vehicles to produce, distribute and store content is within reach.

It takes an individual like Mr Mohapi to see the vision but it requires multitudes to deliver the promise since volume matters and scale delivers value. It is better for me to be a grain in sand that a solo grain.’ Janice explained.

Contact:  Project team at The Africa I Want

Contact:  Project team at The Africa I Want

Mobile#: +27 67 138 0593


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Brian Kazungu is an Author, Poet, Journalist, and Technology Enthusiast. Websites: Email: Social Media - Twitter (X) - @BKazungu - Linkedin -

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