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The case of Mohadi attending a funeral on behalf of a state President. Do you any grounds for abuse of power power and funds?



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28 Sep 2022, 15:00 Hrs


Mnangagwa sends shamed former deputy Mohadi to funeral of Japan’s Abe

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Mnangagwa sends shamed former deputy Mohadi to funeral of Japan’s Abe
HARARE – Shamed former vice president Kembo Mohadi represented Zimbabwe at Tuesday’s funeral of ex-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, ZimLive has learnt

Mohadi, who resigned in March 2020 after being engulfed by a sex scandal, was accompanied by eight aides on the trip

Zimbabwe’s treasury picked up his travel bill

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba defended the decision to send the 72-year-old, who now works full time at Zanu PF headquarters and remains the party’s second secretary

“The president of Zimbabwe can pick on any citizen to represent him at a funeral, more so in respect of funeral of a person who is no longer in government,” Charamba said on Wednesday

“State money is used because the representation is not for the Mohadis, but for the Zimbabwean state

Mohadi and his delegation arrived in Japan on Monday
They return to Zimbabwe on Thursday

Funeral emissary … Kembo Mohadi represented Zimbabwe at the funeral of the former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo on September 27, 2022
About 4,300 attended Tuesday’s ceremony and at least 48 current or former government figures, including U
Vice President Kamala Harris and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Abe’s ashes were carried into the venue at the Nippon Budokan Arena in Tokyo, where the government played a video tribute honouring his life and career


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