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Mr. Johan Roodt, a member of the BOAF – POL00055 – JUROL initiative, is adamant that the 12 orders that were represented as enforceable and binding court instructions were exposed to have been extra-judicial orders in favour of ABSA, a bank he vehemently denies that it had any relationship with the targeted companies.

“It is critical that this point of lack of causation be highlighted because common sense, logic and reason would compel one to give the benefit of the doubt to ABSA as a reputable bank that it would be unthinkable for any bank official to be party to a scheme involving turning a nullity into a claim.

This point regarding the legality of the 12 orders requires emphasis because failure to do so would be tantamount to dignifying criminality perpetrated in the name of a regulated and licensed financial service provider.

It is on this basis, that I reject any notion that these criminal orders could fit within the ambit of fraudulent court order.

To me, it would not make sense to regard an order that was purportedly granted outside the four corners of the as akin to normal court determined orders based on the due process of the law.

My experience is that ABSA self-helped and caused orders favourable to it to be issued without any regard of the limitations imposed by court rules and the constitution.

I believe that a nullity is not subject to any authentication test and as such it remains a nullity ab initio.

This conclusion is based on the fact that the 12 orders that were purportedly sought and granted by the Courts were dated 24 July, 14 August and 22 August 2018 yet when the records kept at court of hearings were checked, the matters were not enrolled for determination during the dates.

I have extensively consulted with the relevant courts including the purported Judge who granted the orders but regrettably no records including recorded proceedings have not been found to support the version that these were bona fide court order.

I have asserted to many that a nullity is incapable of being subjected any appear, rescission or review because nothing can possibly turn on nothing.

It is also instructive that the targeted companies were healthy and such had no external liabilities including to ABSA.

One would have naturally expected the liquidators who by law should be independent and impartial to have examined the books of the company to establish any basis for ABSA to use the Companies Act and the Insolvency Act as the weapons to destroy my businesses.

What is chilling is that if it could happen to me, I am sure that this practice is the order of the day?

I believe that I am one of many and when we reach the 10,000 mark as victims of bullies that are regulated by law yet not accountable to the law, even law makers will see the danger posed by a judiciary that is comprised by officers who see no evil in promoting lawlessness,” said Mr. Roodt.

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