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Unraveling Concerns: Thuli Madonsela’s Stance on Justice, Scrutinized by Mr. Tichaona Mupasiri of JUROL AFRICA




Thuli Madonsela’s recent tweet has set ablaze a storm of controversy within the JUSTICE UNDER RULE OF LAW (JUROL) and LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE (JLI) community. As members express concern about the context and content of Madonsela’s stance on justice, questions arise regarding potential attempts to legitimize her past actions, particularly in the controversial Zondo Commission appointment.

Mr. Tichaona Mupasiri, Director of Public Policy at the JLI-AI AFRICA initiative, lends his voice to the apprehensions regarding the constitutional validity and legality of Madonsela’s involvement in the Zondo Commission appointment. This article critically delves into these concerns, offering insight from JUROL AFRICA members who, after meticulous examination, assert that Madonsela’s conduct may be unconstitutional, prompting crucial questions about the judiciary’s jurisdiction and implications for the doctrine of separation of powers.

The Zondo Commission Appointment:

Representing JUROL SOUTH AFRICA, Mr. Mupasiri raises specific concerns about Madonsela’s role in the Zondo Commission appointment. He questions the conformity of her recommendations with the constitutional framework, contending that she may have overstepped her jurisdiction, resulting in the divestment of former President Zuma’s exclusive power to appoint a commission of inquiry.

Constitutional Jurisdiction:

A central concern highlighted by Mr. Mupasiri revolves around the potential violation of Section 84(2)(f) of the South African Constitution, granting the President discretionary power to appoint a commission of inquiry. According to Mr. Mupasiri, Madonsela’s recommendations may have encroached upon this constitutional provision, prompting questions about the legality and constitutionality of the Zondo Commission’s establishment.

Rule of Law and Constitutional Principles:

Beyond the specific appointment, Mr. Mupasiri emphasizes the broader impact on the rule of law and adherence to constitutional principles. The rule of law demands strict adherence to established laws and constitutional provisions by public officials. Any deviation from these principles poses serious implications for the integrity of South Africa’s constitutional democracy.

Madonsela’s Propositions on Justice:

Mr. Mupasiri extends his concerns to what he perceives as Madonsela’s broader propositions on justice. He suggests that her views may be viewed as “outrageous and constitutionally unsustainable,” potentially challenging the very essence of justice as outlined in the Constitution.


This article serves as a comprehensive exploration of Mr. Tichaona Mupasiri’s concerns regarding Thuli Madonsela’s approach to justice, particularly in light of the Zondo Commission appointment. By scrutinizing the perspective of JUROL AFRICA members, the article aims to prompt reflection on the implications for the independence and impartiality of the courts, as well as the jurisdictional challenges arising from the possible violation of the doctrine of separation of powers.

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