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Unraveling the Jurisdictional Quandary: A Critical Analysis of the Zondo Commission’s Impact on South African Judiciary




The issue of jurisdiction in the context of the Zondo Commission’s appointment and its subsequent impact on the South African judiciary has become a contentious and complex matter. The central argument revolves around the alleged violation of Section 84(2)(f) of the South African Constitution, which grants the President exclusive discretionary power to appoint commissions of inquiry. This legal quandary has been brought to light through Advocate Dali Mpofu’s provocative tweet and the experiences of Dr. Daniel Kuzozvirava, prompting critical discussions within the legal community.

Key Points:

  1. Constitutional Validity and Legality: The central argument questions the constitutional validity and legality of the Zondo Commission’s appointment, asserting a breach of Section 84(2)(f). The involvement of the courts in recognizing and enforcing decisions related to the commission’s formation is scrutinized, challenging the supremacy of the Constitution.
  2. Legal Ramifications: Advocate Mpofu’s tweet highlights alleged criminal activities within the ANC, further emphasizing the potential fault lines within the South African justice system. The involvement of JUROL and its global branches reflects the international concern over the legal and constitutional implications of the Zondo Commission’s proceedings.
  3. Judicial Conduct and Independence: Concerns are raised about the conduct of judges, particularly Chief Justice Zondo, who played a pivotal role in the Zondo Commission. Questions are posed regarding the impact of this involvement on public confidence in the judiciary, suggesting that the impartiality and independence of the justice system may have been compromised.
  4. Due Process and Constitutional Rights: The argument extends to a broader critique of the South African justice system, suggesting systemic violations of due process rights. The experiences of former President Zuma and Dr. Shumba’s cases are cited as examples of constitutionally unsustainable judgments, raising doubts about the fairness and credibility of the entire legal process.


The legal debates surrounding the Zondo Commission underscore the urgency of upholding constitutional principles and ensuring justice. The alleged breaches of Section 84(2)(f) and the perceived compromise of due process rights have created a challenging environment for the South African judiciary. The international community’s interest, as evidenced by JUROL’s involvement, reflects the global importance of addressing these jurisdictional issues and maintaining the rule of law. As South Africa navigates through this legal quandary, the broader implications of constitutional supremacy and judicial independence remain critical considerations for the future of the country’s legal system.

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