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What does Empowerment Means to you?



What does Empowerment Means to you is the question of the day as part of a conversation powered by the Banning on Africa’s Future ((BOAF) – 10,000 Points of Light (POL) as a vehicle of converting connections into a community (C2C) of shared understanding?

What does it mean to empower or to be empowered against a backdrop of the doctrine of equality?

There exists no shared understanding of the idea called empowerment.

Where is wisdom and understanding of what empowerment to be found?

It is not an understatement that in Africa there exists no leading lights of individuals who stand out as the go to individuals on what empowerment is and is not.

There are many people who believe that empowerment is a process involving the lifting of one from one station of life to another.

An initiative called WHAT IS A LEADER that is powered by the BOAF-10,000POL was created to provoke conversations on the myth and reality of LEADERSHIP as a possible vehicle of delivering the promise of one version that speaks to the idea called EMPOWERMENT.

Below is what Mr. Noah Mangwarara shared in the WHAT IS A LEADER WhatsApp group.

It is clear from the above that Mr. Mangwarara asserts that empowerment is the business of so-called LEADERS.

Should it be the business of a human being with the same allocation of 24 hours in a day to lift others and in so doing, empower them?

Is it reasonable to expect another human being of flesh to suffer the obligation to lift others in the name of empowerment?

The idea of this leader-driven process seems to be contrary to the doctrine of equality that is a fundamental bedrock of the rule of law.

Mr. Mr. Mangwarara below further asserts that empowerment is manifested and effected by a leader who must energize and influence others to pursue a pathway that such a person has no knowledge and control over.

We all live in the present to allow anyone to take others to where he would not have been.

It would be absurd to expect the so-called leader to know and act beyond the limitations imposed on all humans by the creator including the duty of empowering others.

Jesus said that each person must carry his or her cross meaning that his duty was never meant to excuse anyone from prosecuting the business of life.

A different take on empowerment is as set out below:

Please read and share your comments on which version speaks to your perspective.

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