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“Who cares about your Crazy Political Views?” Prof Jonathan Moyo admonishes Trevor Ncube



“Who cares about your Crazy Political Views?” Prof Jonathan Moyo admonishes Trevor Ncube who using the NewsDay newspaper has opened his mind to what he thinks of Zimbabwe as it exists in his world and the actors that are vying for the highest office in Zimbabwe.

Prof Moyo’s conclusion after reading the article title: “Zimbabwe belongs to the youth, but are they ready.”

Professor Mupasiri, the Applicant in the matter pending before the Constitutional Court under Case Number 34/21, said:

“It is strange that a country of 15 million sovereign people could fit into the mind of Trevor Ncube to permit him to conclude that the future belongs to the youth as if being youthful, however, he defines this invented human Identity Group, entitles one to something based on some imagined existentialism.

Common sense would dictate that one’s perspective is shaped and defined by what is real and based on the laws of nature.

The country of Zimbabwe belongs to those who choose to live in it. The air they breathe is a gift of nature that is common to all human beings.

Contrary to Mr. Ncube’s bold assertion that the future that none of the living persons can control let alone predict its outcomes and trajectory, is for all to live through irrespective of age.

The moment age becomes the human discriminator, then one must know that the end of reason has arrived.

It is common for the man in the mirror to see what they believe to be the universe of what is real simply because such people believe that wisdom, knowledge, and perspectives are cooked in their minds.

It is a flaw that is not unique to Trevor but is common to many who believe that their known reality suffers the burden to be the universal standard of thinking and acting.

Is Trevor not entitled to his version of reality? Indeed he is. Why then would Prof Moyo be pissed by his expression of what is resident in his mind?

Assume Trevor’s ideas are crazy and misplaced, what turns or should turn on this? Surely, hallucinations need not be banned.

AIPPA and POSA were bad ideas in thought and deed. However, it is repugnant for anyone to ask the question: “Who cares about your crazy political view?” when the rule of law dictates that Trevor’s views should be as respected as anyone else’s views.

Who would suffer prejudice if Trevor chose to express himself in the best way known to him?

Asking the question: “Are you the paragon of virtue?” exposes the author of the kind of mind that suggests the false premise that some men are more equal than others to be entitled to ask such a question.

Let us allow for a festival of ideas. If Trevor stands on his feet for something, this must be celebrated because there are far too many people who stand on their knees begging for someone to alter life’s trajectory towards a destination that is not shared.

What if Trevor is riding on a self-created horse, who suffers any injury?

Whose business is it if AMH is crumbling or not? Should energy not be focused on things we can collectively change rather than squander energy on who is abusing who at workplaces that are foreign to our knowledge and interest?

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