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BOAF IN MOTION – Towards an open, inclusive, and accountable future of Africa – powered by BOAF CIVICS LITERACY – A conversation between Mr. Mawere & Mr. Tafara Moyo on the urgency and need to shape and define fact-based narratives as a foundation to build the Africa that is missing in action.



Africa is dark at midnight because absent the rule of law and the protection provided by a value-centric civilization, the few shinning stars provide no aspirational pathways to the Africa that is often missing.

“I was inspired to join the Banking on Africa’s Future’s (BOAF) initiative to provoke, ignite and inspire the voluntary conversion of connections2community (C2C) and in so doing build community-centric value-driven and forward leaning problem solving.

Disputes around the history of Africa and the facts therein will not end by dwelling on them and the Ghosts that define the past lived by others.

It is against this background that I have changed my worldview of the practice of copying threads shared directly and indirectly on WhatsApp groups as a violation of privacy and confidentiality especially given the propensity of journalists to weaponize lies as facts simply to win awards for some and to earn a salary for many.

I believe as members of BOAF, we are on the right path in using the platform to share and interrogate insights, ideas, experiences and knowledge on issues that matter.

It is our business as members to provoke the shifting of paradigms so that the consequence can be active citizenship.

Set out below is a thread between Mr. Mawere, a member of BOAF, and another member, Mr. Tafara Moyo from which the idea of memoir as proposed by Mr. Mucha Mugota, in relation to Mr. Mawere can properly be understood and acted upon by all who may be interested in the acquisition, diversification and demise of SMM Holdings Private Limited (SMM).

Allegations of betrayal, crony capitalism, looting of public funds have been made and yet the true story remains hidden in the minds of a few,” said Ms. Kimberly Mapfumo, a BOAF member based in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Please follow this thread as a decision support instrument to decide whether you wish to be part of this community power building campaign to use connectivity to promote, protect and defend a civilization that does not celebrate statism and the hijack of the project to shape and define the future character and personality as an open, transparent, and accountable ecosystem in which the duty to protect the rule of law is binding on all persons.

[11/30/2022, 5:12 PM] Tafara Moyo: Hie Sir
[11/30/2022, 5:14 PM] Tafara Moyo: Its Moyo Tafara from Zvishavane ..have been a member of Fosmm for long was not feeling but now I’m up and fully running. Kindly get me re-added to Fossm groups and all other associated groups
[11/30/2022, 5:15 PM] Tafara Moyo: Was not feeling well
[11/30/2022, 5:24 PM] mdmawere1: Sorry to hear this. Will do.
[11/30/2022, 5:32 PM] Tafara Moyo: Many thanks..Jurol…Towards Media Excellence, What is a Company
[11/30/2022, 6:40 PM] Tafara Moyo: Interesting I have been left behind .How far has th Mupasiri vs Ed and Manikai case gone
[11/30/2022, 6:42 PM] mdmawere1: At what point did you exit?
[11/30/2022, 6:43 PM] Tafara Moyo: Two months back
[11/30/2022, 6:48 PM] mdmawere1: Would you support a project for Mupasiri to be part of an initiative under the Banking on nun in Africa’s Future (BOAF) – Justice Under Rule Law (BOAF) using the unconventional and unscripted chats in the FOSMM combined with the litigation papers and the associated experiences with the aim of provoking, igniting and inspiring active citizenship?
[11/30/2022, 6:50 PM] Tafara Moyo: Yes ofcourse I have learnt through Fossm platforms that any neglect of my civic duties has a real cost
[11/30/2022, 6:51 PM] mdmawere1: What other key lessons have you learned on the following:
[11/30/2022, 6:52 PM] mdmawere1: #1 The role of lawyers in shaping and defining the future uncertain and the personality of the governance system and architecture.
[11/30/2022, 6:53 PM] Tafara Moyo: It said that truth needs no lawyer ..there is criminality within justice chambers..egoism rising and truimphing ovrr preffossionalism
[11/30/2022, 6:54 PM] mdmawere1: When and how did you know Prof Mupasiri?
[11/30/2022, 6:56 PM] Tafara Moyo: In particular to SMM and cases alike.there has been serious flaws and Abuse of power and trusted authority by th state that any normal and informed citizen cant afford to ignore
[11/30/2022, 6:57 PM] Tafara Moyo: Through Fossm and his pursuance for Justice
[11/30/2022, 6:59 PM] mdmawere1: If you were asked to name 3 lawyers who stand out in your opinion as Points of Light (POL) in Zimbabwe in shaping and defining civics literacy, who would they be?

[11/30/2022, 7:01 PM] Tafara Moyo: #Thabani Mpofu.


Coghlan and Welsh

[11/30/2022, 7:06 PM] mdmawere1: Is Coghlan and Welsh not a juristic entity?
[11/30/2022, 7:08 PM] Tafara Moyo: I have found their stable ethical
[11/30/2022, 7:08 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that an artificial person does not possess the power to cause outcomes and become a change agent?
[11/30/2022, 7:10 PM] Tafara Moyo: Yes but only after being used as vehicle by real persons
[11/30/2022, 7:11 PM] mdmawere1: I am asking for 3 human actors and not their vehicles to deliver promises.
[11/30/2022, 7:12 PM] Tafara Moyo: Do yu agree that th ruling party has put lawyers into two distinctive groups of those compliance and non compliance to state manipulation
[11/30/2022, 7:13 PM] mdmawere1: I do not believe that an artificial person has the power to cause anything to happen but humans do.
[11/30/2022, 7:13 PM] Tafara Moyo: Mtetwa Beatrice
[11/30/2022, 7:14 PM] mdmawere1: Great.
[11/30/2022, 7:15 PM] Tafara Moyo: Institutions have no life absence human actors
[11/30/2022, 7:15 PM] mdmawere1: When was the reconstruction decree born and prosecuted in relation to the affairs of SM
[11/30/2022, 7:15 PM] mdmawere1: Indeed.
[11/30/2022, 7:16 PM] Tafara Moyo: During Mugabe ‘s misrule ..he was not alone though
[11/30/2022, 7:16 PM] Tafara Moyo: Yu ll loose me to network am now driving out of Zvish
[11/30/2022, 7:18 PM] Tafara Moyo: His accomplices are what we call the gvt of Zim today
[11/30/2022, 7:20 PM] mdmawere1: Are you suggesting the existence of loss of sovereignty and some compounding of thought and action?
[11/30/2022, 10:05 PM] mdmawere1: Hello
[12/1/2022, 5:52 PM] Tafara Moyo: MM

You acquired SMM at the age of 36

Therefter you established TAP,SAS and other established 20 or so componies

Evidently you bacame the Wall Street of Zimbabwe

Your corporate and being a captain of industry put you so close to being a kingmaker in Zim politics

Zanu Pf tried to recruit and lure you into their rank and file

The fact that you could organise dinners for the then President Mugabe when he visited US speaks volumes to the gravitas you had towards kingmakingship in Zim politics

Politicians became afraid of you and a scheme to disarm you was rolled into motion

SMM Recon and the divestment is the rest of the story.
Succession in Zanu began in earnest in 2004
After Muzenda had died
To ringfence and shut out ED ..a woman’s qouta was introduced in the Presidium to which ED and his allies believe you played a part and influenced it
My point is it is more enterprising for you and me to challenge the status quo politically
Is this from you or you are just trying to provoke?
Its from me
By the very nature of your personality one day or the other you are destined to be a president of this country

Serve your motherland in justice and equality and then peacefully join your ancestors
Are you aware that your understanding departs from the facts in the matter. I thought you would by now one of the knowledgeable persons having been in the FOSMM and other groups.?

1 Are you aware that I, the person, did not acquire SMM?

It departs from what is factually available given the covetous and subtleness employed in the opaqueness to divest and deprive you of control of every compony deemed to be under your control.

You were the Chairman of ARL
ARL did
Boaf,Jurol are beautiful ideas but we must wed and betroth these two beautiful ideas into marriage with mainstream politics
Myb its because i dnt subscribe to civics not backed by radicalism.

1a Are you aware that the holder of the SMMH shares was a wholly owned subsidiary of ARL?

And you being the Chairman
What is the distance between here in Zvishavane where Iam and the World Bank in downdown Manhattan district of Newyork
You workes there as a banker

Bankers work with policies right
Its time for us to evaluate FOSMM and Jurol efforts and upgrade it to what can arrest this political rot
Mutumwa Dziva Mawere for President in 2023
What a beautiful Idea

I can pontificate
The World Bank is located in Washington DC and not New York.
If you could simply answer saying Yes or No, this chat could be of help to others like you. Do you know the shareholder of record in relation to the affairs of SMM’s sole parent at the time of acquisition? Simply say Y or N. And then indicate if you would like to improve your literacy on the matter.
Right what was th duties of a somebody like you at the World Bank

Its obvious the retail services there involved nations
I thought we were talking about the information you seem not to have so that henceforth you can speak to what is fact and not create your own narratives? Do you accept that you don’t the shareholding lineage from SMM to Me?
This is false – “Thereafter you established TAP,SAS and other established 20 or so companies,” confirming that you have not read the Sale and Purchase Agreement. Do you want to read it so that you can ac
acquaint yourself with facts.
This is not good for it makes my life miserable repeating what I think should be common cause.
Let me read it,-kindly furnish me with it
[2/8, 5:41 AM] mdmawere1:
[2/8, 7:57 AM] Tapiwa Machiri1: Was this not your Sekuru
[2/8, 7:57 AM] Tapiwa Machiri1: I.e. CFI
[2/8, 7:57 AM] Tapiwa Machiri1: Was this not part of the companies that were affected by the recon act?
[2/8, 7:59 AM] Tapiwa Machiri1: @Mpasiri please refresh my memory
[2/8, 7:59 AM] Tapiwa Machiri1: Did you not lodge an application
[2/8, 8:00 AM] Tapiwa Machiri1: Regarding the constitutional validity and legality of the application of the recon act, a law that is inconsistent with the constitution of Zim, in relation to the affairs of cfi
Should this not be used as a cause for you to be a member of the BOAF MEMOIR CAMPAIGN to avoid the one-to-one expensive discourses? If after so many squandered hours, you can still get it wrong, should we not use publicly available and convenient to provoke, ignite and inspire learning, unlearning and relearning?

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