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Active Involvement, the Rule of Law and the Game of Numbers towards Building Successful Communities



Mutumwa Mawere, 18/12/2020

It is the case that no government exists in the animal kingdom. You may wonder why? Animals like humans are living creatures but they lack order and structure.

Order and structure are consequences of human choice and action.

It is futile to expect a functioning government underpinned by people who refuse to pay taxes to enable it to deliver the promise.

Ask not what a government can do for you but what you can do for yourself in the name of the government after paying your taxes but the link between value given up and the claim on the promise of a government is easily misconstrued.

Even in WhatsApp groups like WHAT IS A COMPANY, though they are free to join, there are some who are too smart not to see the value already delivered in form of knowledge that would ordinarily be absent in the public domain.

Some have said even America is not a country but an idea whose nobility is premised on the genius that when forward leaning people choose to associate or create a company, the outcome or promise will always be inclusive and superior to any silo-centric construct.

America with a population of just over 300million is number one (1) because of the genius of the idea underpinning it.

The founding fathers are long dead but the idea endures to allow anyone to enter into the contract without asking the question – where is the leader – but just getting on with it.

What happens when one joins the USA as the chosen community? One still has to live and pay taxes. The taxes represent value one has to give up to create the community that one is proud of.

Imagine today, you chose to share with the world starting from here, why you have chosen to be part of this initiative and be the leader that you expect from others, how many others may emulate you?

I was talking to Yvonne yesterday and I was encouraged that since she chose to be part of the WHAT IS A COMPANY group, her perspectives and paradigms have been shifted in a positive manner.

This has allowed her to conclude that her Connections2Communities (C2C) membership fee was the cheapest entry to knowledge that she could never have accessed as a pedestrian of life.

She has been inspired to promote the building of a community who are keen to try a wholesale mentorship program focusing on what you have just done – that is to join – without expecting another person to lead your life but for you to live your life in the glare of a new family called C2C.

Who is C2C? Look in the mirror and you will find your face in it. You have chosen to include C2C as your ID. You are the reason why C2C exists and must exist. Be proud of your choice to be part of this community?

Go on top of a mountain and just tell everyone who cares to hear with the loudest voice that effective today, you are C2C by virtues of giving up value, albeit small, to secure knowledge, ideas, experiences and insights in a structured manner.

I have given a target of a circle of 100 per mentor. People like Maureen and Yvonne are already on the road to building this circle using C2C as their glue. Does C2C exists? No. It only exists through the minds and actions of its paid up members.

Either one is married and in a union or not. Either one is a member or not.

I am reminded by Chiedza Mavangira a member of C2C who said it is not done until it is done.

She joined and guess what she paid for a person to be nominated by Masimba Australia. That payment was made and to date Masimba Australia has failed, refused and neglected to name the person.

Instead of grabbing and taking advantage of this generosity, he has chosen to operate outside the four corners of C2C when he could easily have appropriated this offer to be the name behind the offer.

Is it not encouraging to see the spirit of building community power manifesting itself in the gesture made by Chiedza Mavangira

There are many good stories of what power the human spirit is that would allow people to leave the comfort zones of places of birth to distant shores without any promise yet some would want a promise for giving up so little to secure hope at a time when hope is the most expensive community in life.

Imagine a million members of paid up members, what would be the impact? This is the hidden and overt power of numbers. Volume matters and scale delivers the least cost to deliver an outcome.

Imagine the wallets of 1 million people choosing to buy a product like rice from the same source. Just imagine the power anyone who spends money randomly and singularly can unleash as a community.

Economic freedom is best secured when literacy is the order of the day.

If you subscribe to this message, what should you do as the next step after reading? SHARE SHARE SHARE without any limitations.

You are the change that you are waiting for. You are the leader who will never arrive unless you are the reason to make it happen. You are the company that you are trying to define and shape.

Below is a confirmation of the people that choose to add value and participate in noble causes:

[12/18, 7:04 AM] Justice – rule Of Law 1: Now a member… Fully paid

[12/18, 7:04 AM] Justice – rule Of Law 1: C2CWIA00022

Experienced Chairman with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Strong entrepreneurship professional skilled in Negotiation, Budgeting, Business Planning, Operations Management, and Analytical Skills.

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