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An Exposed Mind On How To Get Rich: 8 Fundamental Keys To Success – Morgan Mandaza



Morgan Mandaza – inspired entrepreneur passionate about development

Just like so many other people on earth, I cherish the beauty of success and this has inspired me to follow the entrepreneurship route while continuously exposing my mind to the tried and tested fundamental success principles which have been applied by great people from across the world.

In my journey of self-discovery and business adventures, I have seen that the combination lock on the door to success also needs a combination of different keys that must always be applied as shown in the eight principles that I have listed below.

  1. The Power of Goal Setting

The brain is the goal-setting organ of any person no matter where you come from. All the amazing things that you see in the marketplace today started off as an idea in somebody’s mind and it was worked upon until it became a reality.

As such, once your subconscious mind gets soaked with what you want to achieve, you must quickly set clear and well defined short and long term goals detailing what must be done, when it must be done and how it must be done.

This means that you must be specific as much as possible with all aspects of your goals and remember that vague goals produce vague results. You cannot reach your desired destination when you are not even sure of where you are going. Your specific goals must be measurable along the way so that you can see if you are making progress or not.                                                                                                             

  • Know The Reason of Your Existence

God created you to be on earth for a very special reason. He did put in you a great mission/assignment that can transform the world and thus, all what you need to do is to discover that secret reason for your existence and nothing will derail you.

If you know your purpose and its meaning to God and the world at large, you become a powerful force that can withstand anything.

If truly the reason of your existence is strong enough, you can certainly survive anyhow, and everything you need including the resources, the people and opportunities will naturally gravitate towards you.

  • Continuous Learning

If you want to develop your life and make yourself relevant, then you have to update your mind through continuous learning.

The world is moving and evolving so fast in such a way that if you don’t update your mind new knowledge, then everything you have learnt at school won’t be enough to adapt and succeed.

If you read biographies the world’s great people, you will discover that their success came from continuous learning and through the application of new ideas and technologies. Knowledge is power and it is the way to success.

  • Be Ready to Sacrifice

Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone and thus you must be willing to sacrifice some wasteful habits now so that you can achieve your goals. Behind every great achievement, the story of sacrifice always leads.

The ability to sacrifice adds an extra dimension on your success. You must always be ready to come out of your comfort zone no matter the circumstances and be willing to suffer temporary pain in order for you to enjoy in the long run.

  • Consistency

You need to consistently work on your goals in order for you to improve and become efficient and profitable.

Successful people know how to yield to the principle of consistency and hence, they lead a life of endless accomplishment and satisfaction.

  • Be Able To Listen

You must learn to listen to other people in such a way that they will love and be open to talk to you. Always be ready to listen to feedback, criticism and suggestions that will help you to constantly adjust and move forward.

Be open to listen to great teachers, friends, family and business colleagues so that you can continuously improve yourself in business and in life. Be humble enough to take negative feedback as an opportunity for improvement.

  • Never Quit

It is the most single common quality of high achievers; they simply refuse to quit. No matter how hard it seems, the longer you persist the greater the chances of your success. Life is not it hands you but how you respond to it mentally and physically. Develop the grit and determination to keep going when it seems impossible. It’s not always going to be easy, life will throw you challenges! but rather turn everything around by applying the lessons and grew from the failures.

  • Take Risks

Risk taking is one of the most powerful tool for success. You cannot expect to achieve great things if you are not willing to push yourself to great limits with great risks. Unlike the unsuccessful for they want to play it safe, therefore never live a better standard of living. every successful person adapted some form of risk taking to achieve whatever they want in life so as they obtain great rewards.

Morgan Mandaza is an inspired entrepreneur who is passionate about personal and community development. He loves to share life transforming information gathered from personal experiences as well as from reading and doing business with companies such as Electro Africa and Bream Harvest etc.

Brian Kazungu is an Author, Poet, Journalist, and Technology Enthusiast. Websites: Email: Social Media - Twitter (X) - @BKazungu - Linkedin -

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