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Shau Mudekunye (Photo credit: Facebook)

[1/30, 3:24 PM] Shau Mudekunye: Hi babamnini, where is this thread by Colleta? I would like to read it so I have context. 

The snippets that I read when I can call me to think that I should also one day sit with you and hear exactly what happened to all the businesses. In my 37 years I have always thought of these topics as ‘hands-off’, not for nothing more than I took a stance to leave it alone, semwana wenyu. Which, in hindsight is contrary to my own nature as Shau. Because knowing the truth always gives me better understanding for my stances. It’s most interesting to me that I read about it, and have heard many opinions, but have never sought understanding from you directly, even though I have direct access. I would also like to hear your story as told by you… Not by opinion pieces or the news or in rooms where people talk freely without knowledge that I am your relative.

Speaking from a point of lack of understanding, is a dangerous thing, and an unfortunate reality of our social media driven world. I say this even as a social media practitioner myself. I will also say that I myself should seek the understanding from the knowledge you hold.

[1/31, 12:19 PM] mdmawere1: Hello

[1/31, 12:29 PM] mdmawere1: Thanks for this perspective. Imagine I had to tell the story to you and thereafter to all who would say that I only choose to tell the truth to relatives. I am sure you aware that a public law exists and was used in relation to the affairs of SMM Holdings Private Limited (SMM). This happened in September 2004 when an extrajudicial order was issued and prosecuted against SMM under the guise of reconstruction. It is now 19 years later but the reality is that absent the use of public power, which power when properly construed constitutes public trust and consequently PUBLIC PROPERTY, that must be subjected to public scrutiny and citizen vigilance. In the premises, Mr. Mr. Mucha Mugore, proposed that I write a memoir using God’s time and my memory to write this. It is this proposal that sparked the chat with Colleta and her sentiments that as a niece I must practice some tribalism or nepotism for her benefit without understanding the time is the currency of life and must, therefore, be used to solve problems of the present. I proposed that we use a prepayment approach whereby people who think it is a good idea, pay R150 per copy and the funds will then be used to pay the service providers to make it happen. He obviously refused, failed and neglected to give up R150 or $8 to lead the campaign to interrogate the facts as they exist lest she would be identified and labelled my surrogate if I took your advice of privatizing the story.

[01/31, 14:23] Mutumwa Mawere: [1/31, 1:27 PM] Shau Mudekunye: Hi Uncle Mutumwa! I tried to read everything yesterday but have still not managed to go through it all. To respond to this latest message, I think the idea of pre-funding a book is a great idea, especially for those who would want to read it. A cheaper idea may be to capture it all on camera and distribute it through a subscription service. I am not at all suggesting that you tell only me, on the contrary, I would love for you to control your own narrative – I believe that is our basic right, to tell our own stories. It is dangerous to have your story told by someone else – or a hoard of other people who only come at it from their own understanding and perspective, and perhaps even with their own motives. We all need to be part and parcel of telling our own events.

I don’t think it is really about nepotism, but more to say if we, your nieces, cannot tell the version of events from our own uncle, we may have lost the plot a little bit. I say this because I still believe that your family can be your first ally, but also your most ardent supporter (not that we need to enlist blindly, but as a good to have).As you have seen in the last few weeks with Kudzai and Themba. His dragging my brother’s name through the mud has made me even more vigilant with taking the matter of care of my own family to heart. It is also what likely spurred my own confession to you that much as we are family, I have yet to hear this story from the horse’s mouth. Not so I can defend or judge, but so that I can be a better ally and supporter to my family because I can come from a place of understanding. Understanding is key, and lack of understanding leads to endless disputes. 

Uncle, I can write, I can film, I can produce, I can figure out subscription platforms for you to tell your story – I am financially unable to do much at this moment, but your brother and sister sent me to school to hone my skills and I will gladly lend them to a cause that I believe in. While I appreciate public records, I will still sit at a table and gladly listen to your story directly from you.

[1/31, 2:11 PM] mdmawere1: Thanks for the detailed response. I shall respond point by point so that we can use this chat as a literacy campaign since this platform approach that is user driven may not have a precedent to rely upon.

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