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Zuma v Ramaphosa, is it Karma time? From Guptas to Phala Phala – Fasten your belts



Zuma v Ramaphosa, is it Karma time? From Guptas to Phala Phala – Fasten your belts – holding public office bearers to account for their conduct or oath of office.


The Law of Karma is infallible and everyone invariably is subjected to it. Sometimes we are oblivious to the fact that most of our life is spent undergoing destiny which is created by our karmas or deeds in our past births. As per the law of karma, every positive deed which we do generates a ‘merit’; while every negative deed results in a ‘demerit or sin’ which subsequently we need to repay by enduring happiness or unhappiness. All major events in our lives are predestined – for instance, the family that we are born into, to whom we will get married, etc. During our day-to-day interactions, we are either settling an old account or creating a new one. If an account is not settled in the present birth it is carried over to the next birth. Although, we are not consciously aware of the give-and-take karmic accounts generated in our previous births. In our subsequent births, we may or may not be equipped to settle our destiny and the paradox is that at the same time we are creating new karmic accounts. Thus, this loop of karma and destiny binds us and we remain entangled in it. The only way through which we can nullify our give and take account and destiny is through sustained and regular spiritual practice. In understanding the Law of Karma, we can see how spiritual practice can be useful to even those of us who have absolutely no spiritual interest and who only wish to be immersed in worldly pursuits. Even for those worldly relations to be fruitful, they need to be insulated from destiny.

Research articles on the Law of Karma

Purpose of life

We have often wondered about the true purpose of life. In essence, the main purpose of life is to overcome karma (destiny) and attain God-realisation.

Liberation from the cycle of birth and death

Getting liberated means that our destiny has significantly reduced and we are not compelled to take birth again.

What is destiny and willful action?

In the present era, 65% of our lives are governed by destiny and for 35% of our karmas, we can use our free will.

Karma and the Law of Give-and-Take

Most life events are predestined for example we are born to a family where we can maximally undergo and nullify our destiny and settle our give and take accounts with family members.

Mechanism of action of the give-and-take account and why we sometimes do the things we do?

Destiny and the give-and-take karmic account are reflected in the way we live our lives and heavily influence the choices that we make.

Who do we have a give-and-take account with?

Usually, we have the most give and take karmic accounts with our family members and close friends and relatives.


Did you know that the primary reason that you will or will not get along with your partner or spouse is spiritual in nature?

Giving and receiving gifts

While we may have given and received gifts all our lives, we may not be fully aware of the spiritual implications of giving and receiving gifts.

What is true forgiveness ? – A deeper insight

To forgive someone who has wronged you may be very difficult because of spiritual factors, but to be able to forgive and move on is important for your karma and spiritual well-being.

Featured Articles

We have often wondered about the true purpose of life. In essence, the main purpose of life is to overcome karma (destiny) and attain God’s realization.

Usually, we have the most give and take karmic accounts with our family members and close friends and relatives.

In the present era, 65% of our lives are governed by destiny and for 35% of our karmas, we can use our free will.

Merits, Sins and Atonement for Sins

What are merits and sins?

By the Law of Karma, merits are acquired when we lead our lives righteously while we accumulate sins when we indulge in unrighteous acts for instance causing harm to others.

Types of sins

All of us commit various sinful actions during our day-to-day activities. There are different sins such as who was affected by the sin, sins related to speech, collective sins etc.

Consequences of sin

This article explicitly elucidates the punishment or consequences which we need to face when we commit a sin. It varies as per the sin committed.

Atonement for overcoming sin

When we take atonement for any sin committed then we make an effort to diminish and absolve the effect of the sin committed. This article explains how to take atonements.


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