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The Africa I Want – Justice Under Rule of Law

Peter Smith



What kind of Africa do you want to see – an Africa in which the rule of law is the order of the day or a privilege of it?

The Justice Under Rule of Law (JUROL) initiative is intended to provoke, ignite and inspire the sharing of real life conversations on what matters in building community power to solve shared problems based on common interests.

What threads are worth sharing? It is often the case that what is shared in the public domain pales in comparison to what is shared in private loops.

The bridging of private chats into the public square is not easy because the participants often do not want the visibility that sharing promotes.

Branding is critical but it requires content that is the raw material necessary to deliver equity in a broad and disagregated human market place.

This JUROL initiative is targeted at celebrating the critical importance of promoting justice that is underpinned by the respect of the rule of law.

Mr. Tichaona Mupasiri, the Director of Public Policy of JUROL, said: “I was intrigued when Mr. Mawere said that the opposite of poverty is not wealth but the presence of the rule of law. Indeed, in the animal kingdom, wealth is dead. It is in the context of human civilization that wealth can be created from the value created by human beings.

i am convinced that when shared understanding exists on the centrality of the rule of law, then it becomes obvious that what divides us pales in comparison to what unites us as human beings.

I am proud to be one of the 10,000 POINTS OF LIGHT in Africa and I have taken it upon myself to share threads that I come across that help unlock perspectives that often elude me.

Below is a thread that features Messrs. Mawere and Mutanda that I believe is worth sharing:

[2/24, 7:24 PM] mdmawere1: https://iniafrica.com/index.php/2022/02/24/gwaradzimba-0-mpasiri-1-in-search-of-excellence/
[2/24, 7:25 PM] Fred Mutanda: Thank you
[2/24, 7:26 PM] mdmawere1: Let me know after reading.
[2/24, 7:45 PM] Fred Mutanda: It is very bad for AMG..Just like it is for EM.
[2/24, 7:53 PM] mdmawere1: Indeed.
[2/24, 7:55 PM] mdmawere1: [2/24, 7:27 PM] Joseph Mudekunye: Well laid out article
[2/24, 7:31 PM] mdmawere1: Thanks
[2/24, 7:31 PM] mdmawere1: Is it provoking?
[2/24, 7:39 PM] Joseph Mudekunye: I think its informative enough in the sense that the truth and facts are laid out for public consumption. It counters against the original narrative of actors in the Recon Act to be as clean as a whistle.
[2/24, 7:54 PM] mdmawere1: Indeed.
[2/24, 7:55 PM] Fred Mutanda: Why can’t they talk to you. It’s very worrying and painful that people who have worked together like that just do that
[2/24, 7:56 PM] Fred Mutanda: That’s true. I agree with JM
[2/24, 7:57 PM] mdmawere1: Should it be about me or Justice Under Rule of Law?
[2/24, 7:59 PM] Fred Mutanda: Justice and the rule of law.. neither is it about me. What is painful is to see the truth and people refusing to accept it
[2/24, 8:00 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that in the animal kingdom, there is no justice under the rule of law, and wealth is dead?
[2/24, 8:09 PM] Fred Mutanda: There has to be justice in a democracy
[2/24, 8:10 PM] mdmawere1: Justice and truth are friends. In pursuit of the truth delivers justice.
[2/24, 8:13 PM] Fred Mutanda: True. I agree you have actually stated the truth on he recusal.. I feel sorry for the M JCC
[2/24, 8:15 PM] mdmawere1: Did you know that M JCC was crooked and she was allergic to justice under rule of law?
[2/24, 8:26 PM] Fred Mutanda: They are all very allergic to justice and the rule of law
[2/24, 8:27 PM] mdmawere1: Do you agree that people get the order they author by being silent on what matters?
[2/24, 8:32 PM] Fred Mutanda: I totally agree..this is why Zimbabwe is in a mess
[2/24, 8:33 PM] mdmawere1: What if it is not Zim that is in a mess but we the people who refuse to take responsibility for the outcomes that follow from abdication of duty of citizenship?
[2/24, 8:35 PM] Fred Mutanda: It is the case and this action we have embarked on will make a difference
[2/24, 8:56 PM] mdmawere1: Democracy without checks and balances is dead. We have a duty to make public office bearers accountable.
[2/24, 11:02 PM] Fred Mutanda: There is no question about that. We have to hold them accountable
[2/24, 11:04 PM] mdmawere1: Today it is ME and tomorrow it is another statistic
[2/24, 11:07 PM] Fred Mutanda: I totally agree with you and this is why we have to stop talking about me
[2/24, 11:10 PM] mdmawere1: Indeed. No one is safe.
[2/24, 11:23 PM] Fred Mutanda: What I don’t understand is our President. He is cold and affords meeting or talking to victims of his government
[2/24, 11:27 PM] mdmawere1: What if he is as good as the briefs he gets?

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