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Leadership | Monday Motivation With Brian Kazungu



“A rare ability to see the good and the bad in everyone and making use of the good in a way that overshadows the bad makes you a good leader.”- Brian Kazungu

Management generally means the planning, organizing, leading, directing, coordinating and controlling of resources in an environment for the common good of a given setting.

Everybody on earth is a leader and a manager of his own personal life and destiny. 

As such, because you are a leader, you should therefore possess a rare ability of objectively recognizing the positives and negatives of others in any setting. 

You must note that every person has got his or her own strengths and weaknesses.

It is the strengths of every individual that must be emphasized and be promoted so that the combined effect of the strengths of everybody in society can be felt. 

Analyze the extremes and assess whether using and emphasizing on the good side of an individual can outweigh their bad side for the good of the person and the society as whole.

This principle can be used in choosing friends, business partners and even in managing or leading a group.

When the exposure of wrong is not malicious, there must also be an attempt to also highlight the good side of others as well.

Sometimes more of the wrong side of an individual is seen when society does not set itself to appreciate the positive side of others. 

Celebrating and promoting the strengths of others than just looking at their weaknesses has got an automatic ripple effect towards creating a stable and progressive society.

It is therefore necessary for you as a leader to possess this open-mindedness for the good of your life, the company/organisation, the community and even for the good of the state.a) Is there anyone that you believe is managing his or her personal life in a good way? What is that person doing and how is he/she doing that?b) Is there anyone you believe is a good manager or leader? Why do you think of this person in such a way?

b) Have you ever tried to appreciate that individual’s goodness in person? Please do that if you can!

c) Pray for the person so that he or she can keep up the good work.

1Timothy 2:1-2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. KJV

Brian Kazungu is a Christian, Media Practitioner, Author, Poet, Technology Enthusiast, Entrepreneur and an Opinion Leader.

Monday Motivation is adapted from his motivational and inspirational book titled Fresh Thinking(https://www.amazon.com/dp/1654359335).

For more of his writings and motivation, follow him on:


