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Ms Yanga Zibi inducted into the BOAF-10,000 Points of Light

Peter Smith



Ms Yanga Zibi, is officially a member of the initiative to INSPIRE positive and forward-leaning change in Africa after being inducted into the BOAF-10,000 Points of Light (BOAF).

It cannot be disputed that Africa is dark at midnight especially in regard to the recognition and celebration of the few men and woman who are daily playing their parts in shaping and defining the character and personality the Africa that is needed to best unlock the untapped potential that is resident in the 1.4 billion inhabitants.

The stories untold are manifold and as a result those who aspire to climb the heights of excellence have no role models who are not biologically related to them.

It is rare that in a typical family of historically disadvantaged persons that one would have a relative who is a professional to look up for inspiration.

Mr. Mpasiri said: “I am excited to welcome Ms. Zibi to the BOAF-10,000POL family.

When I met her recently for the first time at the 4th Investment Conference held in Sandton, I realized that she has the properties that is often missing in the SMMEs acceleration ecosystems.

What is SMME development without a financial doctor in the cockpit?

Financial literacy is key in building enduring and sustainable business models yet the role of professional accountants in helping mould the actors in the business value supply chains is not celebrated.

It is for this reason that I believe if we were to build a community in the target 10,000 of just 200 professional accounting service providers, this will go a long way towards raising awareness that it would be futile to embark on a journey of solving problems using companies as vehicles without the support of the few among us who are craft competent.

When I ask many business actors who is their auditor, the typical answer I get is that no one yet when the business needs capital either to acquire fixed assets or in terms of working capital, it is always the case that banks ask for financial information.

It occurs toe that in order to secure a prosperous, caring and inclusive future of Africa, the sooner we collectively humanize the actors in the value chain, the better.

Today, it is Ms. Zibi we celebrate but through her I hope that the urgency and importance of building a community of 200 as a start will find expression by us demonstrating that we value CAs in our lives.

It is rare to find a girl child in Africa saying she wants to be like Antie Yanga or a CA like so and so.

It is not too late to promote the pride in this craft so that such rare diamonds like Ms. Zibi can be used as role models to provoke, ignite and inspire the change that is missing in Africa.

I am too passionate on financial, legal and corporate literacy matters to be blind to the significance of using real life actors who are involved in capacitating businesses with the skills and solutions required to win.”

Ms. Yanga said: “I have been in this craft long enough to know that no business can thrive without knowing in precise terms what profit is generated from sales.

I have often observed that many business actors confuse shareholding with control when the reality is that a company is a creature of law and as such its control and direction is prescribed by law.

Shareholders like parents give birth to juristic entities and they appoint directors who then are vested with the duty to represent the company.

It is not unusual to find shareholder operated companies having a director who is also a shareholder supported by family or friends as titular directors.

We have to change this brand of incestuous corporate control models that provides no succession pathways and as a result when a key driver of the business dies, no one close to the deceased can take the business forward.

People like us have to step forward hence my interest in being part of this exciting project.

Since being introduced to the BOAF idea, my paradigm on ownership has dramatically changed to allow me to dream big of using my company as a platform to transform and not simply to transact.”

Ms. Janice Greaver, a member of the 10,000 POL said: “I am encouraged that a woman like me has joined this initiative. Having looked at Yanga’s impressive resume, I have no doubt that through story telling, she can help provoke aspirational and transformative change without telling people what to do but through sharing her own unique experiences on what is possible when one chooses to work outside self-created boxes but in structured and organized networks.”

Mr. Lovemore Chanengeta, a member of the 10,000POL said: “Last year on 23 May, which happens to be my birthday, I was surprised when a party was hosted by fellow BOAFERS that allowed me to be part of a cohort of persons celebrated.

This year, I am using my birthday to provoke community building and I look forward to working with Yanga to identify future directors to help the vehicles that I have created to expand and deepen penetration in the global arena.

I am offering Yanga a deep dive presentation of the digital properties that we have developed under the umbrella of Edusyms Pty Limited www.edusyms.co.za that hold a better promise not only for the 10,000POL initiative to grow but to allow for excellence to be the core in our business models.

We have the tools and we need ambassadors like Yanga to aggregate, optimize and accelerate in a least-cost and efficient manner.

i can see my company changing its auditors soon. Watch the space.

Finally, Yanga what you watched in my presentation to the Department of Small Business is less than 10% of what we have tooffer. Welcome to the Bank of Hope.”

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