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Did you KNOW that in a constitutional republic, ZACC pretends to be above the law?

Caroline Du Plessis



Did you know that in a constitutional republic like Zimbabwe, an institution like ZACC, purporting to be above the law, has refused to be audited by the Auditor-General?

Now that you know, what are you going to do with this material information?

Please be guided by s2(2) of the Constitution.

Mr. Brian Manyati, a member of JUROL had this to say: “We the people have to pronounce ourselves on the illegality and unconstitutionality of the proposition that a creature of law like ZACC can assert a right that would be inconsistent with the constitution.

We have no choice but to formally write a letter to her to confirm if the version in the newspaper is correct. If it is, we have to approach the President who in terms of s90 of the Constitution has a duty to protect the republic from people who intentionally and knowingly undermine their oath of duty.

If the President refuses or fails to act, we shall use the s167 weapon for the Constitutional Court to expose itself as biased if it fails to uphold the constitution.

We have learned a lot from the Mupasiri case under CCZ 34/21 that there is no need for slogans to assert a constitutional right to make people accountable for the use of public funds.

The duty of citizenship is alive 24/7 and vigilance is the only cure to the disease of servants mutating into little dictators using the naivety, and ignorance of the people who are the true stockholders of their creations including ZACC.”

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