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Is Compulsory Vaccination ultra vires the Bill of Rights?

Caroline Du Plessis



Is Compulsory Vaccination ultra vires the Bill of Rights?

ACDP members march to defend the Bill of Rights that is overtly offended by the legislative requirement that for church members to meet, they must comply with this administrative sanction that without the production of valid vaccine certificates or proof of new Covid-free test each week, no service can be conducted on an unfettered basis.

The founder of the Red List, Ms. Catherine Raphaely, said:

“This initiative was purely to get the information concerning the amendments to the health act to as many people as possible.

Many people are completely unaware of what is being planned!

Many people who chose to be vaccinated would hate to be forced to do so. We need to unify to stand against this!

I knew I would have only one opportunity to use my extensive address list and that many would run away from the truth.

Thank you to everyone who has the strength of character to face up to what is going on. We urgently need to share this information – the deadline for this is 16/04/22.

With regard to the usefulness of the group going forward… this is my thinking:

🔴 If people who are not already on the red list groups would like regular information of this sort, please could they dm me to join a red list WhatsApp group.

🔴 Or, join one or both of our telegram groups …

🔴 The group chat that is called INFO AND CHAT is open to public comments and posts.

🔴 The UPDATE group is red list posts only (the public may comment on the posts but these comments need to be “opened”) so the info is more focused, driven by the red list, and less “noisy”

🔴 If there is another emergency, I will be able to communicate here again.”

Another active citizen shared this message in one of the 10,000POL WhatsApp groups:

“It appears many people are either unaware of the looming danger of losing our freedom in this country or they have done little or nothing to oppose the new draconian laws government intends on passing under the National Health Act.

The Dear SA website was hoping for 1 000 000 objections but they have only received about 200 000.

Out of a population of around 60 000 000 in SA the current objection figures are a drop in the ocean.

We only have a few days until Thursday 14 April (as Friday 15th is a public holiday).

It is imperative to note that our objections must be both via PETITION (on dearsouthafrica and SA public speaks websites above) AND SUBMISSION to [email protected], you can Bcc [email protected] so that they have a record of your submission.

These new laws will be effective immediately as they will be passed under an existing act, so South Africa can go from a democracy to a draconian government overnight.

This is not about black or white or mandatory vaccines, this is about everyone losing their freedom under the guise of a health act.

They intend on passing these acts despite the fact that SA has reached an estimated 80% immunity – it is thus obvious that this is not about health but about control.

This is the most important few minutes you will ever spend in your life, please send your petitions AND submissions, and send this to all your contacts asking them to do the same.

If we do not fight for our freedom, we will lose our freedom – this will affect our everyday lives and the lives of our children. Freedom is easy to lose, but very difficult to gain once it is lost – please act now. Thank you.”

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