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Caroline Du Plessis



[🌕] The job of a journalist is not saying positive things, but saying truthful things all round!

Hopewell Chin’ono

I have never said anything about Nelson Chamisa publicly that I have not said to him in private over time.

I want Chamisa to do well, that requires me and others to be truthful to him and the public, and to allow an engagement out of what is being said.

If what I say offends you, then you are not yet ready for change!
Change requires us to audit why we failed last time, and how we can succeed.

I have said things that have upset even the President of Zimbabwe, but time will tell whether what I said made sense.

I respect Chamisa as a leader, he is a man who knows where I eat, where I drink and has been to my home countless times.
But for that relationship to work for him, I must tell him the truth, we must all do.


I have told him things that are more tougher than what I have ever said about him in public, that is what an honest relationship requires, kwete zvekunanzvana, unopera rurimi wangu.

The West and East have succeeded because they have honest relationships, leaders come and go, the country and national interests are the only constant.

They tell each other the truth, and then go and have dinner together.
Powerful minds accept and require tough truths to be told for them to succeed.

I want Chamisa to win, I want CCC to win, but I will not stop telling them the truth that I believe would make them better.

I am not a political sycophant, I am a journalist and at times a political critique!

Now coming to your point, yes I said Chamisa could have done more, like go into townships and use his massive popularity to get more youths registered to mitigate against rigging.

We have almost 2 million Zimbabweans who turned 18 between 2018 and today, last time less than 200k of them were registered to vote.

Is it wrong for me to ask Chamisa to do more by getting them registered using his star appeal?

CCC has no money, is it wrong asking Chamisa to personally lead fundraising campaigns like what Ramaphosa, Kagame, Obama and Biden do for their parties?

Our hospitals are not working and CCC is in charge of council hospitals in every city, is it wrong to ask Chamisa to engage the diaspora to assist?

If a mere journalist can go to Britain and get 50 dialysis machines, what about the most popular politician?

Our problem is that we create excuses for politicians who fail on certain aspects.

We also say “…but” instead of saying “get on with it.”

I went to London and got 10 ambulances and 10 fire engines for Harare and I phoned Nelson Chamisa and he spoke to the donor in 2019.

His team failed to only sign for them and bring them home.

Is it wrong for me to ask him to have competent people around him not this nonsense that we support of populist candidates who will fail tk deliver and have failed in the past?

Democracy is not only choosing leaders, it is also about choosing good leaders.

If I were a leader would not let my party get rid of good leaders with a track record and bringing people who have never held a pay-slip their whole life unless I am not interested in progress.

These are tough conversations, but we must have them and thank you of triggering them.

Look at Kigali, look at how tough decisions had to be made there for Kigali to rise again.

Democracy is also about how people live and how we govern by bringing competent people around us not sycophants.

Now humor me;
Give me 15 cabinet minister material with a track record professionally in CCC’s parliamentary group?

Is it wrong for me to say you have made mistake getting rid of Prof Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti?

And don’t tell me kuti vanhu vakachuza!
If they did indeed, then they should live comfortably well with the outcomes of that choice.

I bowl for Team Zimbabwe not individuals!
For Team Zimbabwe to win, chokwadi ngachitaurwe!

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