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Chinamasa & Prof Jonathan Moyo, former Tsholotsho Plot crew members, agree that CCC cannot open a bank account

Caroline Du Plessis



Did you know, and I am sure most of you will not believe this, CCC has no bank account? The donations to CCC are not receipted; they are all handed over to the leader of CCC, Nelson Chamisa. Evidence abounds of contributions channeled through Hopewell Chin’ono, Tendai Biti, and David Coltart, which were handed over to the Emperor. No acknowledgement letter or receipt was given. As our Founder President and National Hero, Cde R.G. Mugabe, would put it, “mari yose yakapinda mukanwa machura,” meaning it went into Chamisa’s pocket with no accountability whatsoever. The money raised supposedly to buy a bulletproof car from so-called CCC Supporters in the Diaspora, “imwe futi mari yakapinda mukanwa machura.”

With no constitution, all CCC Title Holders or Designations know from the bottom of their hearts that these Titles or Designations are empty titles and of no significance whatsoever. No wonder the Treasurer General of CCC, David Coltart, has resigned himself to standing in as CCC Councilor Candidate for Ward 4 in Bulawayo City Council. He runs no banking account; he signs nothing. And yet, CCC with no Constitution, no Structure, no Banking Account, operating from the Leader’s pocket, dares to fool Zimbabweans that it can run a government whose expenditure budget is in excess of US$5 billion (2022 figures). I say to CCC’s leader and his cohort of supporters: You can fool some people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. This time around, come 23 August 2023, you will face your political demise. You will face your Waterloo. People now know the imposter and pretender that you are.

Those who have eyes, let them “eye,” and those who have ears, let them “ear.” Nokuti hatigoni kurega kutaura izvo takaona nezvotakanzwa.

Source: https://twitter.com/Chinamasa_PA/status/1679565496599838721

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