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Title: Questionable Conduct: President Ramaphosa is caught up in a storm

Peter Smith



Title: Questionable Conduct: President Ramaphosa is caught up in a storm that exposes the validity and legality of his conduct to escape complying with his oath of office as he uses Malape, a Junior State Attorney, like Roode, an employee of the state, in the Phala Phala matter to escape accountability – A Must Read: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/473c2897b3.html.


In the realm of legal proceedings, transparency, integrity, and adherence to due process are vital to upholding the principles of justice.

However, in a recent case involving President Ramaphosa in a matter involving the export of Mnangagwa’s Law, a law that was found by the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe on August 5, 2022, to be invalid, has refused, failed, and neglected to come on record in judicial proceedings in which he is cited as a Respondent.

Mr. Malape, Assistant State Attorney, just like Roode in the Phala Phala saga, has stepped up to the plate to do President Ramaphosa’s dirty work by launching an application seeking to silence and conceal material evidence that exposes President Mnangagwa as a Mafia boss not just within the borders of Zimbabwe but inside the courtrooms of South Africa in the knowledge that President Ramaphosa would come to his rescue by seeking to use this courts to permanently close the doors of the courts by seeking to declare the Applicants who have sought to hold him accountable for conduct that is inconsistent with the constitution per s. 2 and his oath per s. 83(b) of the Constitution of South Africa.

At issue is the undeniable fact that Mr. Teefo Malape deposed to an affidavit in the name of President Ramaphosa in the application issued in President Ramaphosa’s name without providing any proof that President Ramaphosa has title and jurisdiction to delegate his duty of care to the constitution to another person in a matter requiring facts to be heard and determined by an impartial and independent court.

In the application, Malape fails and/or refuses to provide the proof of authority to launch an application in the name of President Ramaphosa.

Clearly, President Ramaphosa’s propensity to use surrogates to exempt him from bringing the courts into his confidence has raised eyebrows due to their evasive behavior and questionable conduct in attempting to close the doors to the courts on matters in which they are directly implicated.

This article examines the implications of their actions and the potential consequences for justice and the rule of law.

The Case at Hand

In a legal dispute that has garnered attention for its complexity and international dimensions, Mr. Malape, acting on behalf of his purported client, who holds a position of high authority as the President of a nation, has been embroiled in a series of legal battles. However, what has raised concern is their reluctance to engage directly with the legal process, raising questions about their commitment to transparency and accountability.

The Issue of Affidavits

One central aspect of the case revolves around the submission of affidavits, which serve as sworn statements of truth in legal proceedings. In this instance, Mr. Malape’s purported client, the President, has yet to sign an affidavit addressing the matters in question, despite being a respondent in his official capacity. This evasive behavior has drawn criticism and suspicion, as it raises doubts about their willingness to fully participate in the legal process.

Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability are fundamental principles that underpin any just legal system. The President’s reluctance to provide a direct affidavit not only undermines these principles but also erodes public confidence in the legal system and the government. The refusal to engage with the legal process in a straightforward manner raises concerns about what might be hidden from public view and whether the President is willing to accept the consequences of their actions.

Consequences for Justice and the Rule of Law

The conduct of Mr. Malape and his purported client could have far-reaching consequences for justice and the rule of law. If individuals in positions of power can evade accountability in legal matters, it sets a dangerous precedent that undermines the foundational principles of a fair and just society. Moreover, their actions may deter other individuals from seeking justice through legal channels, fearing that their efforts might be in vain.

The Need for Independent Judicial Review

To ensure that justice is upheld and the rule of law prevails, an independent judicial review of the conduct of Mr. Malape and his purported client is crucial. The court’s role in examining the actions of those involved, including their motivations and adherence to legal requirements, is pivotal to restoring public trust and confidence in the legal system.


The case involving Mr. Malape and his purported client highlights the importance of transparency, accountability, and respect for due process in legal proceedings. Their evasive behavior and reluctance to engage directly with the legal process have raised concerns about the integrity of their actions. In a society built on the rule of law, it is imperative that those in positions of authority demonstrate a commitment to justice and accountability. An independent judicial review can help restore trust in the legal system and ensure that justice is served impartially and transparently.

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