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Zimbabwe Decided – the SADC Verdict – Election or State-Assisted Coup of 2023

Caroline Du Plessis



Unveiling Shadows of Mugabe’s legacy at the hands of Mnangagwa, the Consummate Coup Practitioner: SEOM Report Exposes Mnangagwa’s Intellectual Property of Undermining the Rule of Law – Alarming Deficiencies in 2023 Election Administration”


  1. The aftermath of Zimbabwe’s 2023 Harmonized Elections has left the nation at a crossroads, as a recent report by the SADC Electoral Observation Mission (SEOM) sheds light on significant concerns regarding the rule of law and the conduct of public officeholders responsible for administering the elections.
  2. The report’s findings have ignited a storm of controversy, calling into question the validity and legality of the electoral process that took place.

A Closer Look at the SEOM Report:

  • The SEOM’s report, a comprehensive assessment of the electoral process, uncovered a range of issues that have raised eyebrows both nationally and internationally.
  • The mission’s objective observation of the pre-election phase, voting days, and the post-election period provides a critical lens through which to examine the rule of law and the conduct of public officeholders during this crucial democratic exercise.

Key Findings:

  • Delimitation of Constituencies: The SEOM report raised concerns about gerrymandering and improper application of constitutional requirements for constituency sizes.
  • This has sparked debates about the fairness of electoral boundaries, a fundamental aspect of representative democracy.

Transparency and Access to Information:

  • Transparency is the cornerstone of democratic elections.

The report highlighted concerns about the availability and accessibility of the voters roll, leading to doubts about the transparency and credibility of the electoral process.

Nomination Fees and Political Participation:

  • The SEOM noted that high nomination fees may have restricted the participation of candidates from less privileged backgrounds, potentially skewing the political playing field.

Media Bias and Coverage:

  • Biased media coverage, particularly by State-owned media, came under scrutiny. The report’s emphasis on media impartiality underscores the importance of a level playing field for all political contenders.

Challenges on Election Days:

  1. Delayed polling station openings, accessibility issues for voters with disabilities, and other challenges marred the voting process.
  2. These issues raised concerns about equal voter participation and rights.

Electoral Intimidation and Irregularities:

  1. The presence of an allegedly intimidating group, Forever Associates Zimbabwe, and incidents of irregularities such as indelible ink issues, raised questions about the fairness and legitimacy of the elections.

Implications and Future Pathways:

  1. The SEOM report’s findings have far-reaching implications for Zimbabwe’s democratic governance and international standing.
  2. The identified deficiencies have sparked a call for urgent action to rectify shortcomings and uphold democratic principles.
  3. The rule of law, fairness, and transparency are not mere buzzwords; they are the foundations upon which nations build their democratic institutions.

The report’s recommendations, ranging from enhancing access to information and revising nomination fees to addressing media bias and improving voting procedures, signal a way forward. Implementing these recommendations could lead to a more inclusive, transparent, and credible electoral system that respects the rule of law.


  1. As Zimbabwe grapples with the aftermath of the 2023 elections, the SEOM report serves as a clarion call for introspection and reform.
  2. The nation stands at a crossroads, faced with the choice of either addressing the identified deficiencies head-on or perpetuating a system that risks eroding public trust in democracy itself.
  3. The urgency to uphold the rule of law and ensure the validity and legality of the conduct of public officeholders cannot be overstated.
  4. The eyes of the nation and the international community are now fixed on the steps taken in response to the SEOM’s revelations, as they will shape the path ahead for Zimbabwe’s democratic journey.

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