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Chin’ono asserted that CCC was a property of Chinamasa as an idea and in action. Read and judge for yourself.

Caroline Du Plessis




I pronounced CCC dead as a dodo last year because it was not a movement, it was someone’s party.
But some got angry because some Zimbabweans are not ready to hear the truth yet, don’t worry-they will change with time.

Anything that belongs to an individual person has no chance in hell of removing a State backed political party like ZANUPF.

The current CCC led by its THREE rotational presidents is a carcass that will not go anywhere after this term of parliament.

It was not built on a collective leadership with a cause and values besides saying ZANUPF is bad and having a popular leader who people supported and still support with the hope that he will assist in removing ZANUPF!

The CCC of 2023 had no agenda beyond contesting ZANUPF, it had no program of action that is why it did nothing after the shambolic and rigged election, it was a personal property of Nelson Chamisa.

The main ingredient in CCC was Nelson Chamisa, it was his party, it didn’t belong to a collective leadership, that is why everyone who survived had to bootlick him!

That is also why it died with his departure from it, the current MPs are just there to collect their money and that is it!

There is no new leadership to talk of, those are old opposition leaders who simply filled in a vacancy left after Chamisa’s futile doctrine of Strategic Ambiguity crashed and burnt as genuine political analysts like Dr Ibbo Mandaza and Prof Stephen Chan had predicted it would do.

The current CCC is already dead with characters like Tshabangu in it, there is no opposition at the moment!

If Blue is a personal property it will crash and burn again, I know many don’t like to hear this, but you know that I don’t tweet for Likes and Retweets, but for historical record!

Future generations must know that we said the truth, but our people were not ready to process facts, they preferred delusions and miracles!

One such delusion is assuming that there is an opposition to ZANUPF at the moment, there is nothing!


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