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What iis property? Can property exist absent human personality? What has the power of causation and agency have to with property and rights therein?

Caroline Du Plessis



[5/22, 7:04 AM] mdmawere1: [5/22, 6:48 AM] mdmawere1: [5/22, 6:44 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: Morning sekuru
[5/22, 6:44 AM] mdmawere1: Morning
[5/22, 6:44 AM] mdmawere1: Which logo is your preference?
[5/22, 6:44 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: Sorry I missed your call
[5/22, 6:45 AM] mdmawere1: You know who did the logos?
[5/22, 6:45 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: No idea
[5/22, 6:45 AM] mdmawere1: Mupasiri’s wife.
[5/22, 6:46 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: She’s good
[5/22, 6:47 AM] mdmawere1: Indeed. Which if the three would you recommend for the 1st Uber-like BOAF TECH LAW member firm?
[5/22, 7:03 AM] mdmawere1: [5/22, 6:52 AM] mdmawere1: Does Microsoft have legal tech solutions?
[5/22, 6:52 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: Thru partners
[5/22, 6:55 AM] mdmawere1: How would a platform like BOAF TECH LAW register to be one using the Mulaudzi cases which number 43 now to be a reseller and business development channel since most lawyers may not have the skills and interest on tech matters?
[5/22, 6:56 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: Register at partners.Microsoft.com
[5/22, 6:57 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: They need to have an mpn number
[5/22, 6:57 AM] mdmawere1: Thanks
[5/22, 6:57 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: Then develop the solution
[5/22, 6:57 AM] mdmawere1: How best can an mom number be secured?
[5/22, 6:57 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: With certified Microsoft people
[5/22, 6:58 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: So I understand it’s all detailed here
[5/22, 6:58 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: I’m customer facing
[5/22, 6:58 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: So I am not sure of the beginning and end process to register
[5/22, 6:58 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: But it’s all on the site from my understanding
[5/22, 6:59 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: Depends on what platform you want to build the solution
[5/22, 6:59 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: Microsoft software is like a toolbox
[5/22, 6:59 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: Office, share point, etc which can be built into a solution for your choice
[5/22, 6:59 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: So depending on what toolbox software you use the person has to be certified in it
[5/22, 7:00 AM] mdmawere1: The BOAF way may be to use bridges to solving problems because existing and traditional methods may not help and it would be disastrous if a person like me pretends to be a client.
[5/22, 7:01 AM] mdmawere1: Should it be my choice or a solution that may solve problems that firms like AGM face?
[5/22, 7:01 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: A solution
[5/22, 7:02 AM] mdmawere1: Should the problem be me-centric or solution to problem-centric approaches.
[5/22, 7:02 AM] Tapuwa Machiri: Problem
[5/22, 7:10 AM] Brigadier ABC: You caught me unaware of the issue but I will try to get to the bottom of the matter
[5/22, 7:14 AM] mdmawere1: By sharing, I am not asking you to do me any favour but be provoked by the problem inherent in the facts that needs a solution or bridge. Be the Change in the change rather than be a mere pimp in the value chains.

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