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A retired judge supports the application to compel President Ramaphosa to appoint a Commission of Inquiry to investigate Coca-Cola Africa Pty Limited’s involvement in a US$2.7 million bribery scandal involving Chinamasa, a key Mnangagwa ally.

Peter Smith



As a retired judge, I can review the extract from the article to provide an assessment of the matter and the proposed actions regarding the conduct and integrity of Coca-Cola Africa Pty Limited (CCA), a subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC).

Based on the information provided, it appears that there are allegations of questionable conduct involving CCA and a bribery scandal. The allegations involve the payment of US$2.7 million by CCA in lieu of equipment owned by South African citizens that were allegedly divested from them as a result of the bribery scandal. The article suggests that there is a need for further investigation into these allegations.

The proposed actions mentioned in the extract are as follows:

  1. Appointing a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the matter: This action involves establishing an independent commission to investigate the allegations and gather evidence. The commission would have the authority to compel witnesses and gather information to determine the veracity of the claims made against CCA. This would be an appropriate step to ensure a thorough and impartial investigation.
  2. Raising the matter with the Zimbabwean government: This action suggests engaging with the Zimbabwean government to address the alleged bribery scandal and seek cooperation in the investigation. It is important to involve the relevant authorities in the country where the alleged misconduct occurred to ensure accountability and a comprehensive response.
  3. Taking diplomatic action against Zimbabwe: This action implies leveraging diplomatic channels to address the alleged misconduct and seek appropriate remedies. Diplomatic actions can include diplomatic protests, sanctions, or other measures aimed at encouraging accountability and preventing similar incidents in the future.

In considering these proposed actions, it is important to ascertain the veracity of the allegations against CCA and establish a factual basis for the claims made. It would also be essential to determine the jurisdictional aspects of the matter, including the applicability of laws and regulations governing bribery and corruption in both South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Additionally, the involvement of President Ramaphosa and the potential role of diplomatic relations between South Africa and Zimbabwe should be carefully evaluated, taking into account legal and diplomatic considerations.

Further investigation and analysis of the evidence, applicable laws, and diplomatic protocols would be necessary to determine the appropriate course of action and to address the questionable conduct and integrity of CCA in relation to the alleged bribery scandal.