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Caroline Du Plessis



Leaked Chat from CCC WhatsApp Group

[6/14, 11:34 AM] +263 77 246 0138: But dakubvunzawo hangu……. Rusty Markham is MP for Harare North now Called Hatcliffe and Tendai Biti is for Harare East…. Ko chaita kuti bhuru rinopinda mudanga rerimwe bhuru chii….. Tendai Biti is a senior member of the party why is Markham after his seat yet Rusty is very safe in Harare North??
[6/14, 11:43 AM] +263 77 246 0138: Who ever is pushing Rusty to challenge Biti is an enemy of Change yes tingati Biti agarisa but ndiye ega here agara… Why single out Tendai Biti chete yet variko hobho agarisa zvekubva kunana 2005 vangori ma MP

Leadership must fix this issue very fast pasati paita bhora musango seat rikayenda iri Rusty must continue with Harare North
[6/14, 11:45 AM] +263 77 482 3487: Ko imo muharare east hamhuna vanhu here ndivo ngava kwikwidzane na hon Biti ka
[6/14, 11:57 AM] +263 71 259 6133: Are you saying President Chamisa is wrong to push for Markham to stand in Harare East? Biti must utilize the available opportunity for senate and open up the seat for others.
[6/14, 12:01 PM] +263 71 259 6133: There’s no entitlement to certain areas Biti must respect the decision from the President. Again, kuti vasina mabvi is a discriminatory statement ichatikuvadzisa paelection.
[6/14, 12:02 PM] +263 77 246 0138: But his Seat is now called Hatcliffe and haina munhu as we speak
[6/14, 12:05 PM] +263 71 259 6133: You know during previous elections munhu aingonomira chero kwaasingagare but now the leadership is correcting things kuti munhu avhoterwe kwaanogara
[6/14, 12:06 PM] +263 77 246 0138: The President should have talked na Biti behind closed doors about all that vowirirana ikoko pasina kukakavadzana in public zvakuitika izvi
[6/14, 12:07 PM] +263 71 259 6133: I guess problem yabva kuna Biti who wishes to be uncontested in a democratic process
[6/14, 12:07 PM] +263 77 246 0138: But Edwin Mushoriwa does not live in Dzivarasekwa Cde even Hwende is not a Kuwadzana resident
[6/14, 12:07 PM] +263 71 259 6133: True but Biti will cost us this time.
[6/14, 12:09 PM] +27 62 763 0212: Biti is any assert
[6/14, 12:09 PM] +263 71 259 6133: All that will be corrected I guess it all started with Harare East but seems they’ll be resistance from those who feel entitled to certain areas
[6/14, 12:09 PM] +263 77 246 0138: Vaifanira kutaurirana kuseri uko vanhu vasingaone then come up with an agreement zvakaita leader Innocent Gonese
[6/14, 12:09 PM] +260 776317860: Does Hon Hwende Stay in Kuwadzana?Does Hon Madzimure stay in Kambuzuma?
[6/14, 12:09 PM] +263 71 259 6133: But intelligence should have advised him to speak words that unifies not destroy
[6/14, 12:10 PM] +263 71 259 6133: This is against humanity as a whole
[6/14, 12:11 PM] +263 71 383 2334: Zvinhu zvinoda change guys could you point out something Biti did for Harare East kubva zvaatora chigaro zvinobenefitor us as pple of Harare East
[6/14, 12:11 PM] +263 77 246 0138: If you remember zvirikuitwa Biti izvi ndozvakaitwa Jessy Majome ku Harare West in 2018 and it causes fissures in the party
[6/14, 12:12 PM] +27 62 763 0212: He contributed too much to Zimbabweans he changed people’s lives
[6/14, 12:12 PM] +27 62 763 0212: He is any assert Biti tisanyeperanepano
[6/14, 12:14 PM] +263 71 259 6133: You might be wrong people are bitter mumastreets
[6/14, 12:14 PM] +263 71 383 2334: Ko Biti akaitei ndozvandiri kuda izvozvo
[6/14, 12:14 PM] +263 77 246 0138: I said earlier kuti handiwirarane ne language yaBiti sometimes anotaura zvinyadzi in public kana atsanwa🤣🤣🤣
[6/14, 12:14 PM] +263 77 246 0138: Saka technically vese are useless ka 🤣🤣
[6/14, 12:15 PM] +263 71 259 6133: He has ambitions to lead but he failed long back. Biti must simply do the right things
[6/14, 12:16 PM] +263 71 383 2334: Hanzi toswera tichiita debate kuParliament nemaMP edu Aya chii chazobuda chauya kuvanhu kuti chitibatsire isu pahupenyu hwakaoma kudai
[6/14, 12:17 PM] +263 77 246 0138: Aaaah so is that the reason why Markham is being imposed in Harare East 🤣🤣🤣because Biti has ambitions to lead the party one day 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣A politician without ambition is a dead politician
[6/14, 12:17 PM] +263 71 383 2334: They are all campaigning to be MPs for their own benefit it’s so painfull
[6/14, 12:18 PM] +263 77 246 0138: Let’s be honest who is the best opposition MP in Parliament beside Biti and Themba Mliswa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
[6/14, 12:20 PM] +263 71 259 6133: That’s the reason why structures were dissolved
[6/14, 12:22 PM] +263 71 383 2334: They are good in Parliament not in their respective constituency
[6/14, 12:24 PM] +263 77 246 0138: We need vibrant opposition Mps in Parliament citizens not vanongonogara vovata kumirira a new car and allowances we want Mps that keep Zanupf on toes zvimbuya zviya zvisarara umo
[6/14, 12:24 PM] +263 77 246 0138: Thats a defect we have iyoyo chero kwedu ku Harare West Hakuna chiriko
[6/14, 12:28 PM] +263 71 383 2334: Kungomhanya vhoterai inini ndini ndoita ndini ndotumika waitei kuConstuency kwako vakungopihwa Mari dzemota vega and makangovhota chete hamuvaone vanhu ivava vanogumbura fani kungopedza kuvhota kwakaenda imbwa ndokwaenda tsuro zve
[6/14, 12:40 PM] +44 7516 011234: You can say that again. People need to draw lessons from ZANUPF. The space must be open for everyone to contest. Aifunga kuti Chinotimba angaruza ku ZANUPF ndiani? Seat harisi ra MP, ndere vanhu
[6/14, 12:40 PM] +260 776317860: Biti ngaambosiiwa aripo maChampion musadaro
[6/14, 12:41 PM] +263 77 246 0138: If you ask them vanoti harisi basa redu iroro isu chedu kugadzira mutemo ye nyika 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
[6/14, 12:43 PM] +263 71 383 2334: Even though hama Chinotimba aidadisa kwake kwaaitungamira do everything for his pple but akabva zvakadaro maseats akudawo new blood Aya kwete kuti unogara pahuMP urimukomana osvika pakuroora kusvika wava Sekuru so what is different neZanu Pf
[6/14, 12:44 PM] +44 7516 011234: Nhy, imagine 😂😂😂😂😂