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JUROL 00001 – Towards Justice Under Rule of Law: My Journey

This is a JUROL public literacy programme which seeks to promote public office bearers’ accountability.

This is with the understanding that public office bearers are public property , therefore, they must not escape public scrutiny.

Profile sheet:
Name: Tichaona Mupasiri
D.O.B: 08 July 1981
Contacts: +263719503030 (Calls) / +263732231900 (WhatsApp)
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @tigerfishOG

My name is Tichaona Mupasiri, the Director of Public Policy at Justice Under Rule of Law (JUROL) and the applicant in the matter CCZ34/21 which is before the Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe.

This is my account of my experience in serving my letter to President Mnangagwa on November 9th 2021.

It also has to be noted that prior to taking the letter to the president, on the 8th of November, 2021, I had successfully served, President lawyer, Mr Edwin Manikai.

“At 11:43am on 9 November, I wrote to a member of FOSMM after serving Manikai with my initiating letter on the journey to establishing the true facts and circumstances of the use of public power in divesting and depriving SMM’s shareholders of not only its control and management but also of all the companies deemed to be under the control of Mawere as follows:

“On my way to work on the letter to be served at Munhumutapa.”

I arrived at Munhumutapa around 1:30pm on 9 November, 2021 and at 1:43pm I wrote as follows to an FOSMM member as part of building institutional memory on how accessible the President is in practical terms: “I am just from Munhumutapa Building. I am told I should come back at 14:15 hours as they are still at lunch. So I will be going back there in about 30 minutes.”

My ordeal was yet to come. As part of the Justice Under Rule of Law (JUROL) initiative to raise awareness on how our justice system works, I recorded all my movements regarding the service of legal papers to the President’s office located at Munhumutapa so that the members of FOSMM may know how a promise enshrined and entrenched in s167(2)(d) as read with s167(3) of the Constitution can be hollow and as a result of administrative hurdles allow the President never to be held accountable for his breaches of duty to the public.

Below is a thread of what transpired on 9 November 2021 resulting in me not being able to physically serve the papers that were meant to afford the President an opportunity to know and respond to the allegations that he was personally implicated in the events and facts related to the use of public power in hijacking the control and management of all companies deemed to be under the control of Mawere as part of a fight back strategy against Mawere who was alleged to have been involved in a major political fallout with President Mnangagwa.

All I sought was to give an opportunity for President Mnangagwa to give his own account of what he knew and what his involvement was so that the cloud cast on his head could be lifted in an open and transparent manner.

As stated above, below is my real experience in trying to serve the papers for President Mnangagwa’s attention:

“[11/9/2021, 11:43 AM] Prof Mupasiri: On my way to work on the letter to be served at Munhumutapa
[11/9/2021, 11:43 AM] Prof Mupasiri: to town , I mean
[11/9/2021, 11:43 AM] FOSMM: Great
[11/9/2021, 12:27 PM] Prof Mupasiri: This reveals that as we speak, things are unwell in government. A lot of truth have been concealed and and falsehoods amplified. Bullying is the order of the day in that circle (gov).
[11/9/2021, 1:43 PM] Prof Mupasiri: I am just from Munhumutapa Building. I am told,I should come back at 1415hrs as they are still on lunch. So I will be going back there in about 30 minutes.
[11/9/2021, 1:47 PM] FOSMM: Great. There is no going back? Zim is captured.
[11/9/2021, 4:01 PM] Prof Mupasiri: However, the second officer to read the same officer told me that i can’t be allowed to leave a note like this to His Excellency. He however said that I have to write a letter seeking an appointment. This second officer subjected to a 30 minutes interrogation asking about the author of the letter and I told him I was. He gave me back the letter and he refused to take it. His only duty was to stamp and sign as instructed by his superior, the first officer, but he had a different view. For now this is our hurdle. How best can we serve it to the president without seeking for an appointment?
[11/9/2021, 4:01 PM] Prof Mupasiri: to read the same letter…
[11/9/2021, 4:03 PM] FOSMM: So where is the letter now?
[11/9/2021, 4:03 PM] Prof Mupasiri: The second officer gave it back to me. I have it with me here
[11/9/2021, 4:05 PM] FOSMM: So you wrote an email to the President and attach the letter together with the signed paper.

You must state the facts.

You copy it to the Chief Cabinet Secretary and also post the letter on his Twitter page and all social media places.
[11/9/2021, 4:05 PM] Prof Mupasiri: Here it had been stapled by the first officer who had cleared it, but this other officer who thought I shouldn’t engage the president in that manner blocked it
[11/9/2021, 4:05 PM] FOSMM: You can get the email to the President from internet.
[11/9/2021, 4:07 PM] Prof Mupasiri: The last time I spoke to George Charamba, he had said the tech side is not please,I doubt if the government email system is working.
[11/9/2021, 4:07 PM] FOSMM: We need to present to court that you tried to serve and what happened.

This will be part of the submission to court.
[11/9/2021, 4:08 PM] FOSMM: Great
[11/9/2021, 4:09 PM] FOSMM: Are you following ED, Mangwana, and Charamba?
[11/9/2021, 4:14 PM] Prof Mupasiri: The officer accused me of trying to personally fight the president. He told me that my tone in the letter was harsh. Then I explained to him that I was just seeking clarity on a matter in which his name has been imported by his legal advisor Manikai in my capacity as Director of Public Policy at FOSMM as well as an active citizen who he is eager to know matters that are of public interest.

He insisted that I should book for an appointment and tell him that in a meeting. There wa no logic in his argument. I supposed EM could have alerted the POC of an impending letter to grace the Munhumutapa Offices.
[11/9/2021, 4:15 PM] FOSMM: No room for suspecting agendas but to keep moving.

Are you following the President?
[11/9/2021, 4:15 PM] FOSMM: And Charamba?
[11/9/2021, 4:15 PM] FOSMM: And Mangwana?
[11/9/2021, 4:19 PM] Prof Mupasiri: On twitter, yes.
[11/9/2021, 4:19 PM] Prof Mupasiri: Yes on twitter, I am
[11/9/2021, 4:19 PM] Prof Mupasiri: Yes, I follow the triplets😅
[11/9/2021, 4:20 PM] FOSMM: You can send the letter and attachments as photos.b
[11/9/2021, 4:22 PM] Prof Mupasiri: What do you suggest we do now, sending them on twitter?

What if we also send copies to their WhatsApp numbers too on top of their Twitter handles
[11/9/2021, 4:23 PM] Prof Mupasiri: It explains why the whole system is captured when a mere intelligence officer blocks the truth from accessing and reaching its destination.
[11/9/2021, 4:23 PM] FOSMM: Everything and anything is proper including sharing with the media and issuing a Press Release.
[11/9/2021, 4:24 PM] Prof Mupasiri: True. Can you confirm if this is the Mr. Charamba’s number that you have
[11/9/2021, 4:24 PM] FOSMM: You are a soldier and if you do nothing, you remain anonymous and if you do something history will remember you.
[11/9/2021, 4:25 PM] FOSMM: I don’t have it but use it.
[11/9/2021, 4:25 PM] Prof:Mupasiri: That’s correct. No place for Nicodemus activities now. Truth has to see the light. No amount of darkness will have it covers.
[11/9/2021, 4:25 PM] Prof Mupasiri: covered.
[11/9/2021, 4:26 PM] FOSMM: You need to do a press release in the name of FOSMM.
[11/9/2021, 4:26 PM] FOSMM: There is no room to hide behind bureaucracy. FOSMM is not a person but a mere vehicle.
[11/9/2021, 4:35 PM] Prof Mupasiri: True, I am ready for that
[11/9/2021, 4:35 PM] Prof Mupasiri: That is correct. The more we hide the more we lose relevance on things that matter.”

What do you read from my experience?

Your comments and contributions are welcome.

Tichaona Mupasiri

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