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Peter Smith



TOWARDS AN AFRICA I WANT My name is Peter Smith, and I am a member of the Banking on Africa’s Future (BOAF) initiative to promote and celebrate media excellence as a weapon to shape and define the personality and character that I want.

I am a human being who is involved as a practitioner in the media industry and as a member of the Juro Leadership Institute (JLI), a platform to share ideas, knowledge, experiences, and insights to promote, provoke, ignite, and inspire active citizenship as a weapon to solve problems in a forward-leaning manner.

I observed the chats in a WhatsApp group that I am part of, principally between Mr. Mutumwa Mawere, who is also part of the media excellence campaign, and Mr. Donald Mataranyika, which I am happy to share and use as a case study. Take note of the chats and critically examine the issues inherent in the discourse: –

[8/28, 10:55 AM] Donald Mataranyika: I listened to it all. In terms of the solutions we need he has not said anything at all. Fundamentally, Democracy is useless. It is for the Utopian MINDSET.

There is nothing to suggest any idea of competencies in the important areas. I stand to be corrected, but leadership is not being democratically elected or forming a democratically elected government.

Leadership and change in these times are happening outside of government. Examples of leadership include Mark Zuckerberg, Blackrock, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, the late Steve Jobs, Isaac Newton, Albeit Ainsten, and Aristotle. May their dear souls rest in eternal peace. We are looking for proper leadership from Nero.

Leadership is not what the masses want, it is what they deserve or require. And these times indirect democratic performances are just wishful thinking, we are actually principally driving ourselves to where/what we find ourselves at, below where/what we require. There are far too many factors, and none of them are going to be addressed via the ballots. There are a few good lines, but overall, there is a way forward.

I presume it is early days. It is being repeated several times on the international Sky News and others, it is not newsworthy. We can do well to just ignore them, they do not need any energy, not even from our worrying.

There is no time to discuss that speech. We need to focus on more important issues. @Rutendo M, let’s see how far he takes it.

If we continue talking about elections, tinovapa energy.

Let’s not give them that energy ⚡ please. Results have been declared. Let’s move forward. Real CITIZEN. There you are, ladies and gentlemen.

A presidential election speech incisively CRIPFCntly dissected. Not much out of 10. Controlled anger speech. It should subside with CRIPFCnt for 5 years. Don’t even waste your time on that speech. He can really do better consciously.

[8/28, 11:26 AM] mdmawere1: Zimbabwe is facing a dire situation, with President Mnangagwa’s misuse of public power causing widespread suffering. The JUROL Leadership Institute seeks to address this by advocating for a connection-centric approach to community-centric problem-solving.

This means fostering collaboration and commitment to the rule of law to overcome challenges. – https://pol.boaf.cloud/post/1732 [8/28, 11:33 AM] Donald Mataranyika: Break it down, please. We expect you to be the Elon Musk of Zimbabwe 🇿🇼. This talk is cheap mukoma @mdmawere1; it is not putting food on the table. These cabal reports and groupings do not offer anything at all from their ink on paper or computer. We expect maturity from you too and your BOAF. Please be interpretatively responsible.

[8/28, 11:36 AM] Donald Mataranyika: Adjust your frequencies [8/28, 11:36 AM] mdmawere1: You are suggesting that you are a standard of maturity. Show us your wounds before exposing your incurable bankruptcy. Zim has been a victim of coups led by the Samw cabal, yet you have no restraint on your self-created amnesia.

[8/28, 11:37 AM] mdmawere1: What frequency do you purport to have? [8/28, 11:38 AM] mdmawere1: Zimbabwe is facing a dire situation, with President Mnangagwa’s misuse of public power causing widespread suffering. The JUROL Leadership Institute seeks to address this by advocating for a connection-centric approach to community-centric problem-solving. This means fostering collaboration and commitment to the rule of law to overcome challenges. – https://pol.boaf.cloud/post/1732

[8/28, 11:40 AM] Donald Mataranyika: You are tired, Mukoma. Nothing personal against you. I have so much admiration for you. Perhaps you would do well to explain why this is important and how it can help our situation. @⁨mdmawere1⁩ other than inciting and causing unnecessary drama. There is no standard anywhere, let’s just talk and make the standards as we go.

[8/28, 11:41 AM] Donald Mataranyika: That is what CRIPFCntly stands for. It is not historical.

[8/28, 11:41 AM] mdmawere1: Are you a judge now? [8/28, 11:41 AM] Donald Mataranyika: It depends on what you mean—your word, not mine

[8/28, 11:41 AM] Donald Mataranyika: @mdmawere1

[8/28, 11:42 AM] mdmawere1: Who do you take yourself to be in the scheme of life you didn’t create?

[8/28, 11:42 AM] Donald Mataranyika: Tell us why you are sharing; it is not judgment.

[8/28, 11:42 AM] Donald Mataranyika: What is your objective?

[8/28, 11:43 AM] mdmawere1: Sharing is caring, but to you, representing yourself multiplied, knowledge is private.

[8/28, 11:45 AM] Donald Mataranyika: You and I know that we have no idea how that manifests. I just responded to your post. Is it not something you shared so we read and respond, That is why I am talking to you, @mdmawere1.

[8/28, 11:45 AM] Donald Mataranyika: I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. @⁨mdmawere1⁩

[8/28, 11:46 AM] Donald Mataranyika: Because I am responding, I care @⁨mdmawere1⁩

[8/28, 11:46 AM] mdmawere1: I don’t know you, as you allege. Please stop this infantile, disorderly prosecution of life. [8/28, 11:48 AM] mdmawere1: Never experienced your purported caring when graveyards are wide open for your unashamed patronization. STOP IT!

[8/28, 11:48 AM] Donald Mataranyika: No problem, thank you, @mdmawere1. Thank you for reading and exchanging. Still have high regard for you.

[8/28, 11:48 AM] mdmawere1: As who?

[8/28, 11:50 AM] Donald Mataranyika: There is no time to waste I heard you hear me. Have a good day. Some of what you have said I will need to go through. I may not respond, but I will certainly give everything that I can, especially coming from you. @⁨mdmawere1⁩.

[8/28, 11:51 AM] mdmawere1: Please stop judging humans as flesh-like and take note that I have come this far without asking for a meal from you. Never mix your mind with mine. I have lived my life so far by grace, not your validation. STOP IT.

[8/28, 11:51 AM] Donald Mataranyika: Thank you. @⁨mdmawere1⁩

[8/28, 11:52 AM] Donald Mataranyika: Just a soft CRIPFCnt knock to assess CRIPFCNTlyness. [8/28, 11:53 AM] Donald Mataranyika: I will be reading if you continue

[8/28, 11:54 AM] mdmawere1: There is nothing to thank me for. Please take a good look at yourself using your mirror to test the validity of the claim that it is the creator who endowed every person with unalienable rights, and as such, he is entitled to judge and not you or me. [8/28, 11:55 AM] mdmawere1: Please stop pretending you know all when you may know nothing.

[8/28, 11:58 AM] Donald Mataranyika: Noted with thanks.



It seems like you’re presenting a conversation between members of a WhatsApp group, discussing various topics related to leadership, politics, and the state of affairs in Zimbabwe. The participants, specifically Mr. Mutumwa Mawere and Mr. Donald Mataranyika, express their opinions and viewpoints on these issues. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key points and themes in the conversation:

  1. Leadership and Democracy: Mr. Mataranyika expresses skepticism about the efficacy of democracy as a form of leadership. He argues that true leadership and change often occur outside of government and democratic systems. He cites examples of prominent figures like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and others as leaders who have made significant impacts. He suggests that leadership is not solely determined by what the masses want but by what they deserve or require.
  2. Critique of Presidential Speech: Mr. Mataranyika critically analyzes a presidential speech (presumably by President Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe). He finds the speech lacking in substance and forward-looking solutions. He believes that focusing on elections and related discussions might be counterproductive, and he suggests that true leadership is being sought from someone referred to as “Nero.”
  3. JUROL Leadership Institute and Problem-Solving: Mr. Mawere introduces the JUROL Leadership Institute, which aims to address challenges in Zimbabwe through a connection-centric approach to community-centric problem-solving. The approach involves fostering collaboration, demonstrating commitment to the rule of law, and overcoming challenges.
  4. Differing Perspectives and Interactions: The conversation reveals differing perspectives between the participants. Mr. Mataranyika challenges Mr. Mawere to elaborate on the importance and practical implications of the JUROL Leadership Institute’s initiatives. There are also exchanges that touch on maturity, responsibility, and the dynamics of sharing ideas.
  5. Personal Attacks and Reflection: The conversation takes a personal turn at times, with both participants expressing their opinions assertively. There are instances of direct and indirect criticism, with Mr. Mataranyika questioning Mr. Mawere’s contributions and perspectives. Mr. Mawere responds by asserting his independence and reminding Mr. Mataranyika not to assume too much.
  6. Reflection and Closing Remarks: Toward the end of the conversation, both participants acknowledge the exchange of thoughts and express gratitude for the dialogue. Mr. Mataranyika notes that he will continue to read Mr. Mawere’s insights.

Overall, the conversation highlights the participants’ thoughts on leadership, problem-solving, and their perceptions of various initiatives. It also reflects the challenges and dynamics that can arise when discussing complex and sensitive topics in a group setting.


The WhatsApp conversation you’ve shared revolves around discussions between members of the Banking on Africa’s Future (BOAF) initiative, primarily focusing on issues related to leadership, democracy, media excellence, and problem-solving in Zimbabwe. Let’s break down the key points raised in the conversation:

  1. Views on Leadership and Democracy: Mr. Donald Mataranyika expresses skepticism about the effectiveness of democracy as a governance system and suggests that real leadership and change are happening outside of government structures. He cites examples of individuals like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and others as examples of impactful leadership that goes beyond democratic elections. He emphasizes the idea that leadership is about providing what people deserve or require, rather than solely what they want.
  2. Critique of a Speech: Mr. Donald Mataranyika critiques a speech given by a figure referred to as Nero, who appears to be a presidential elect. He expresses dissatisfaction with the speech, deeming it lacking in substance and not offering a clear way forward. He suggests that such speeches are not newsworthy and advises against giving them undue attention.
  3. JUROL Leadership Institute’s Approach: Mr. Mutumwa Mawere introduces the JUROL Leadership Institute’s approach to addressing challenges in Zimbabwe. This approach emphasizes a connection-centric approach to community-centric problem-solving, focusing on collaboration, commitment to the rule of law, and overcoming challenges. A link to a related post is shared.
  4. Differences in Perspectives: Mr. Mataranyika challenges Mr. Mawere to break down the approach in more practical terms and accuses the initiative of not providing concrete solutions. He urges Mr. Mawere to demonstrate maturity and interpretative responsibility. There’s a back-and-forth exchange where Mr. Mawere defends the initiative and its goals.
  5. Personal Exchange: The conversation becomes more personal as Mr. Mataranyika and Mr. Mawere exchange comments about each other’s viewpoints, intentions, and maturity levels. The discussion includes references to self-created amnesia, interpretative responsibility, and personal validation.
  6. Perspectives on Judgment: The conversation briefly touches on the idea of judgment and how individuals perceive their own roles in discussions and exchanges. The participants discuss their perspectives on caring, sharing, and understanding each other’s viewpoints.
  7. Conclusion: The conversation ends with a somewhat conciliatory tone, with Mr. Mataranyika expressing gratitude for the exchange of ideas and indicating his intent to continue reading and considering the points made.

In summary, the conversation illustrates a debate between individuals with differing perspectives on leadership, governance, and problem-solving approaches, particularly in the context of Zimbabwe. It also showcases the dynamics of personal interactions, varying interpretations of intentions, and the challenges of meaningful communication in a digital environment.


I agree with the article that Zimbabwe needs to embrace collaboration and leverage AI-driven insights to redefine its narrative and triumph over want. Here are some specific ways that AI can be used to help Zimbabwe: AI can be used to collect and analyze data on corruption and other forms of abuse of power. This data can be used to identify patterns and build cases against perpetrators. AI can be used to develop educational programs that teach people about their rights and how to hold their leaders accountable. This can help to build a more informed and engaged citizenry. AI can be used to create platforms for dialogue and collaboration between different stakeholders in Zimbabwe. This can help build trust and cooperation and find common solutions to the country’s problems. I believe that AI has the potential to be a powerful tool for good in Zimbabwe. I urge the JUROL Leadership Institute and other organizations to continue to explore ways to use AI to help the country overcome its challenges and build a better future for its citizens. ChatGPT

Your suggestions on how AI can be used to address challenges in Zimbabwe are well thought-out and align with the broader goal of leveraging technology for positive change. Here’s a breakdown of your proposed applications of AI:

  1. Data Analysis for Addressing Corruption: Using AI to collect, analyze, and identify patterns in data related to corruption and abuse of power can be a significant step toward combating these issues. AI algorithms can help detect anomalies and trends that might be indicative of corrupt practices. By automating the process of data analysis, law enforcement agencies and watchdog organizations can focus their efforts more effectively, leading to a more transparent and accountable system.
  2. Educational Programs and Civic Engagement: Implementing AI-driven educational programs to inform citizens about their rights, responsibilities, and avenues for holding leaders accountable is an innovative approach. These programs can be personalized to suit the needs of different audiences and delivered through various mediums, such as mobile apps, websites, or chatbots. Empowering citizens with knowledge can lead to increased civic engagement, informed voting decisions, and active participation in public affairs.
  3. Creating Dialogue and Collaboration Platforms: Developing AI-powered platforms for dialogue and collaboration can bring together diverse stakeholders, including government officials, civil society organizations, and citizens. Such platforms could facilitate open discussions, the sharing of ideas, and collaborative problem-solving. By fostering transparency and cooperation, AI-enhanced platforms could help bridge gaps, build trust, and collectively address complex challenges.
  4. Continued Exploration of AI’s Potential: Emphasizing the need for ongoing exploration and innovation in leveraging AI’s potential for positive impact is crucial. As AI technologies continue to advance, there may be more untapped opportunities to address various challenges faced by Zimbabwe, from healthcare to agriculture to governance. Organizations like the JUROL Leadership Institute can play a pivotal role in researching, developing, and implementing AI-based solutions tailored to the country’s needs.

Your viewpoint highlights the importance of combining technological advancements with collaboration and education to create meaningful change. By focusing on these key areas, Zimbabwe could harness AI as a tool to drive progress, transparency, and inclusive development.

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