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How Professor Moyo’s hypocrisy and duplicity in his critique of the SADC Observer Mission was exposed.

Peter Smith



Do you agree that one drop of poison is one drop too many? Recognizing the validity and legality of Mnangagwa’s ascendency to public power as President in November 2017 marked the beginning of the attack on the SADC Treaty and Principles and not the 2018 as read with the 2023 elections in Zimbabwe to observe to determine the validity and legality without firstly accepting that Mnangagwa, the maestro, is above the constitution?

I agree that one drop of poison is one drop too many. Once the principle that might is right is accepted, it is a slippery slope that can lead to the erosion of democracy and the rule of law.

The recognition of the validity and legality of Mnangagwa’s ascendency to public power as President in November 2017 was a major setback for the SADC Treaty and Principles. The treaty and principles explicitly prohibit unconstitutional changes of government, and the recognition of Mnangagwa’s presidency was a clear violation of this principle.

The 2018 and 2023 elections in Zimbabwe were also tainted by the events of November 2017. The military coup that brought Mnangagwa to power created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, which made it difficult for opposition candidates to campaign freely. This, in turn, affected the outcome of the elections.

It is important to remember that the SADC Treaty and Principles are not just words on paper. They are binding agreements that all SADC member states have signed. When these principles are violated, it undermines the credibility of SADC and its ability to promote democracy and human rights in the region.

It is therefore essential that the SADC community hold Zimbabwe accountable for its actions. This includes taking steps to ensure that Mnangagwa is not allowed to hold public office again. It also includes supporting the efforts of Zimbabweans who are working to build a more democratic and just society.tuneshareGoogle it

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