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Is Maynard Manyowa on point in targeting Zimbabwe, a human construct, as a focal point on events in SA?

Caroline Du Plessis



Is Maynard Manyowa on point in targeting Zimbabwe, a human construct, as a focal point on events in SA?

Illiteracy is so pervasive to permit a high propensity to generalize.

IIt is undisputable that no shared understanding exists on what xenophobia is and is not.

Against this backdrop, common sense, logic and reason would compel a slow and deliberate approach to the phenomenon that is commonly described as xenophobia.

When human reason fails, violence inspired by animalistic instincts always follow.

Identity Politics is not limited to SA but is a permanent characteristic of humanity.

Absent identity, humanity is dead yet identity speaks to the blueprint and intented operation of life.

Any rational thinker would soon know that human groupings like family, clan, tribe etc are real in as such as exclusionary religious groupings.

unknown to many, the late Baroness Thatcher was on point when she remarked poignantly that: “Society does not exist but individuals DO.”

When properly construed she was saying that it would be madness to address any issue to ZIMBABWE as if a human identity called ZIMBABWEAN exists as a living thing.

If for example, a group of Christian person’s attacks Moslems, should this crime and its authorship be generalized to be inclusive of the universe of all existing Christians?

The answer should be unequivocal NO simply because the sovereignty of human beings would be undermined without any rational justification.

If the foundation of rational thinking is established, it then becomes possible to engage on specifics about the reality of ignorance and its impact on human behavior while appreciating that it is perfectly part of human character to be self-centered, tribal, irrational, random, finger-point, subjective, vindictive, scapegoat, exclude, territorial, and violent.

However, the moment an individual thinks that humans can like oranges be group to become a monolithic identity, then the missing conversation should not be about ZIMBABWE or SA but about literacy.

SA belongs to all who LIVE IN IT and the reality is that no human being can ever fit the description of a FOREIGNER let alone a ZIMBABWE simply on account of a relationship with documentation issued by humanly created administrative systems.

This alone exposes the ignorance about on the purpose and meaning of human life.

A human being belongs to the indivisible class of the creator’s creative genius. If this is accepted, then how can it possible that a human being can be classified as a FOREIGNER?

Now turning to the reality of prejudice and whether this sentiment is a symptom of a deeper problems than the politics of birth places that would allow a lion born in Zambia to be a foreign lion in the neighboring DRC.

The brotherhood of mankind transcends the sovereignty of nations and this should be instructive in that in the case of a person born in Mozambique falling in love with a person born and living in SA, would the marriage that may follow be nullified in SA because the Mozambican person has no documents or documents will follow but from day 1, the Mozambican husband would be classified as a FOREIGNER.

To be prejudiced is expected and inevitable but to self-help is to take the law into their hands.

If ons looks at the labour market, what would be rationality of asserting that foreigners are stealing jobs from locals when it is true and self-evident that problem solving of a value adding nature is not open to substitution and generalization.

a person can arrive in SA and get help from friends and family to start buying apples from Eastern Cape at a bulk price and sell at a retail price.

Accepting that an apple has no tribe or nationality, the apple in trade is value in motion. If the person becomes a millionaire out of exchanging value for value with the profit in trade being his residue, where would DUDULA as a human enterprise creep in?


By Maynard Manyowa

Maybe it is time that we, as Zimbabweans, remind ourselves that South Africa is treating us better than we ever treated immigrants.

Nobody wants to freely state that Zimbabwean immigrants in South Africa do not help their own cause.

Saying this would likely be interpreted as support for violence.

Nobody wants to speak about the rampant problems believed to be caused by out-of-control migration into South Africa, such as drugs, murder and crime.

In 2019, when xenophobic violence broke out, a popular artist, Sho Majozi, echoed this sentiment, saying foreigners are not completely innocent, nor are they completely responsible for crime. This is how it is.

Zimbabwe is not an ‘innocent’ country when it comes to xenophobia

When Zimbabwe first achieved independence in 1980, it really was heaven on Earth.

Its currency was strong and the country was self-sufficient.

Malawians, Zambians and South Africans flocked to Zimbabwe to work as roadside vendors and in mines, to take advantage of the education system, as well as flee from the racist apartheid government. 

But Zimbabwe and its government at the time were hostile.

Malawians and Zambians were called MaBwidi, a derogatory term that describes foreigners as halfwits.

The government conducted raid after raid in townships, often asking people to repeat local street lingo – fully aware that Malawian folk would do so with a hilarious accent. 

Those who failed were bundled into trucks and deported. Those who remained were made half citizens by the government. 

At that time, naturalised Zimbabweans from Malawi and Zambia were not allowed to vote, and their identity documents were engraved with a huge capital “A”, designating them as “Aliens”.

This practice remained up until Robert Mugabe was removed from power. 

But, at the same time, Mozambique was engaged in a brutal civil war and a number of Mozambicans, many of whom speak Zimbabwe’s main language, Shona, crossed into the country seeking refuge.

The government rounded them up and put them in refugee camps, while several others were sent back, by force, to Mozambique, where they were executed by rebel forces. 

To this day, in and around the township, derogatory jokes about Malawians, Zambians and Mozambicans are exchanged at barbecues. 

How we, as Zimbabweans, treated other Africans at the time was wrong, and it must not escape history or dialogue.

South Africa treats refugees better than any other African country

Over the years, as conflict has ravaged Africa, many people have fled their homes in Congo, Somalia, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burundi and other countries. Those who found their way to Zimbabwe were put in refugee camps, where they remain to this day. Countries like Malawi, Uganda and Zambia also have refugee camps for asylum seekers. 

Now, I mention this because, when millions of Zimbabweans rightly fled the violence in 2008, the South African government responded by giving them special permits and allowed those who didn’t apply to integrate with communities. 

In Malawi, as we speak, the government is calling on all refugees who left camps and integrated with communities to return to the camps or face action.

Zimbabwe keeps refugees in camps, while Kenya wants to close its camps and send refugees back to conflict zones. 

South Africa is not driving foreigners into camps, but nobody wants to talk about this.

And ignoring such gestures of goodwill upsets and offends a country that has been very hospitable to refugees, economic or otherwise. 

One would struggle to find a country today that allows millions of people to simply show up and integrate into communities. To that end, South Africa is a haven for refugees from all walks of life. 

At the same time, we cannot escape the reality that illegal immigrants commit crime in South Africa. People avoid talking about it, but the stats are there.

In 2017, there were 11,842 foreigners in South African prisons, 918 for murder and 454 for rape.

One story has stuck with me for years. On 17 October 2005, newlyweds Siphokazi and Sizwe Tyeke and their friends Jabu Mbatha and Zukisa Kela took a stroll in the park.

As they enjoyed their late afternoon, a gang of eight Zimbabwean men ambushed them. They stripped the husbands naked and raped their wives while they watched.

After that, they threw them into a pond and laughed as they drowned. 

Thabo Nkala, Edmore Ndlovu and Mduduzi Mathibela, all from Zimbabwe, were jailed for the rapes and murder. However, the other five suspects fled back to Zimbabwe and have not been brought to trial.

This is just one story. As of 2017, there were 918 other stories. Before that, in 2011, 67.5% of foreign inmates came from Zimbabwe and Mozambique. 

We also cannot escape that Nigerian syndicates commit fraud and deal in drugs in South Africa.

And there is strong local sentiment that Zimbabwean vendors and Asian shopkeepers are driving local South Africans out of business in townships.

The sentiment is strong enough that Gauteng’s government in 2020 proposed a law to reserve certain sectors and sub-sectors for South Africans. 

The problem has been that these sentiments get swallowed in conversations about xenophobia and, as Sho Majozi wrote nearly three years ago, this will frustrate those who are protesting and lead to more violence.

We, as Zimbabweans, must reflect

As of 2020, South Africa had 790 citizens in foreign prisons, mostly for drug-related offences. This is five times less than foreigners who were in South African jails 11 years ago.  

Crime is not a competition, and I don’t want to go deeper into what each nationality is accused of doing in South Africa, but I do want to offer one observation: there are many immigrants in South Africa, from several countries, but most anti-immigrant groups have problems with Zimbabweans. That should be telling. 

I wrote before on Facebook that Zimbabweans need to reflect. We really do. Everywhere we go, people complain about how we behave. Instead of attacking South Africans for their sentiments, we must understand them, or what is leading to them.

Malawians, Zambians, Burundians and the like do not take as much heat as we do. That calls on us to reflect and call each other out. And we must start by accepting that no matter how bad things are in South Africa now, we treated foreigners worse than we are being treated. 

We must accept that our behaviour in foreign countries is intolerable. For example, we have 12 prisoners from Botswana in Zimbabwe, yet Botswana has 400 prisoners from Zimbabwe. This cannot continue.

Namibia has an issue with Zimbabweans. Botswana has an issue with Zimbabweans. Zambia recently developed an issue with Zimbabweans. South Africa has an issue with Zimbabweans. And the UK is deporting Zimbabweans en masse. They can’t all be wrong about what we are doing out there. And we can’t keep attacking South Africans without calling each other out. 

As I said, I am appalled by the murders and violent attacks in South Africa. But maybe it is time that we, as Zimbabweans, also look in the mirror and remind ourselves that South Africa is treating us better than we ever treat(ed) immigrants, and that our conduct in their country leaves a lot to be desired.

Maynard Manyowa is a Zimbabwean journalist based in Manchester, England.

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