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Master of the Coups: President Mnangagwa in Zimbabwe Does It Again Using Public Laws and Institutions – Will He Get Away With It This Time?

Peter Smith



President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe, often referred to as the “Crocodile,” has once again raised eyebrows with his political maneuvers, prompting concerns about the state of democracy and the rule of law in the country. Recent developments suggest that President Mnangagwa may be employing public laws and institutions to consolidate his power, leaving many to question whether he will escape accountability for his actions this time around.

A Pattern of Controversial Maneuvers:

President Mnangagwa’s political career has been marked by a series of controversial events, including his ascent to power in the wake of the 2017 military intervention that led to the ousting of former President Robert Mugabe. Mnangagwa’s rise was accompanied by promises of a new era of transparency, democracy, and economic prosperity. However, his actions have repeatedly raised concerns about the erosion of democratic norms and the rule of law.

The Latest Controversy:

The most recent controversy involves allegations that President Mnangagwa is utilizing public laws and institutions to further entrench his authority. Reports suggest that the electoral process during the 2023 Harmonized Elections was marred by irregularities, including questionable delimitation practices, restrictions on freedom of assembly, and the introduction of a so-called “Patriotic Bill” that curtails freedom of speech.

The accusations are particularly alarming considering their potential impact on the fairness and legitimacy of the electoral process. Delimitation irregularities raise questions about equal representation, while restrictions on freedom of assembly and freedom of speech cast doubts on the openness of the political environment.

Such actions have led many to question whether President Mnangagwa is steering Zimbabwe away from democratic ideals and towards an environment dominated by his rule.

The Path Forward:

As allegations of manipulation and abuse of public institutions mount, the question arises: will President Mnangagwa face consequences for his actions, or will he once again manage to evade accountability? The international community, civil society, and citizens of Zimbabwe are closely watching how these events unfold and how domestic and international institutions respond to these allegations.

It is essential for Zimbabwean institutions to uphold democratic principles, ensuring that the rule of law prevails over political maneuvering. International partners and organizations play a crucial role in holding leaders accountable for their actions, and their scrutiny can significantly impact the trajectory of Zimbabwe’s political landscape.

Restoring Democracy and Accountability:

For Zimbabwe to thrive as a democratic nation, it is imperative that public laws and institutions be respected and safeguarded from manipulation. A genuine commitment to democracy requires transparent electoral processes, respect for human rights, and the safeguarding of the fundamental principles that underpin a democratic society.

The resilience of Zimbabwe’s democracy hinges on the collective efforts of its citizens, civil society, international partners, and institutions. The world is watching closely to see whether President Mnangagwa’s actions will go unchecked or whether the voices calling for accountability and democratic governance will prevail.

The question remains: Will President Mnangagwa’s mastery of political maneuvering lead to unchecked power, or will the calls for democracy, transparency, and accountability ultimately shape the future of Zimbabwe? Only time will tell, as the nation grapples with the consequences of its leadership’s actions.

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