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Peter Smith



In a new twist to the Mupasiri application to the Constitutional Court to determine if President Mnangagwa failed to fulfil his constitutional duties by failing or refusal to act when called upon to either use the powers vested in him to investigate the veracity of the allegations made against him by Manikai that was knowingly and intentionally involved in the facts and circumstances of the birth and prosecution of the reconstruction law used in relation to the affairs of SMM and other entities, or disclose the truth in his alleged role.

Mawere applied for leave of court to intervene in the proceedings.

His application was due for hearing today at 12pm before Makarau JCC but yesterday he issued and served an application seeking for the recusal of Makarau JCC.

The procedure that will be followed is that Makarau will have to hear and determine Mawere’s complaint against the Learned Judge’s involvement in his application.

the details of Mawere’s application for Makarau JCC’s recusal can be found on this link: https://twitter.com/JUROL_Official/status/1497015274566045698?t=IfxcgJmR79t3kEnYa0vK1Q&s=19.

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