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Mr. Clyde Makusha inducted into the BOAF-10,000POL Community of Shapers

Caroline Du Plessis



Mr. Clyde Makusha, Managing Director of Clyna Trading Private Limited (CT), has been inducted into the BOAF-10,000POL Community of Shapers.

Mr. Makusha said: “Since meeting Mr. Mawere in person in Lusaka, in January 2022, I have benefited from the association beyond any measure, and the subscription that I have paid of R1000 pales in comparison with the benefit of wisdom in motion that is an element that social media rarely delivers in a structured and organized manner.

I was added by Mr. Mawere to the Eswatini BOAF group. When I joined, I was skeptical about joining yet another talk WhatsApp grouping and also a group titled Eswatini, a country in which I have no business interests in, but I must say that being part of this group has helped me better appreciate that being part of a group of human beings always pays off.

I am excited to be part of this initiative that speaks to the urgency and need of being engaged as citizens without allowing man-made barriers to divide the human spirit in all of us.

I have watched things go wrong and like many people, I used to celebrate failure as if it is a sin.

The future of Africa is defined and shaped by our actions and I like this challenge of building an address of 10,000 candles and each candle representing a forward-leaning person like me in it.

I am confident that when we reach the target of 10,000 African human beings, the light from the collective will provoke positive change.

Each day counts for me and I know that the energy and aspirations of 10,000 persons hold a better promise to build a caring, inclusive, forward-leaning, open, transparent, and accountable Africa.

A group of 10,000 shining stars is better than a group of 2.

I am excited and encouraged to be part of the cohort of 10,000 Africans who believe like Christians that Jesus does not have to suffer the burden of reincarnating because we the living are the missing dots in our lives.

Watch the space. I have no propensity to talk about things I am incapable of doing but let me talk with my actions – THE BOAF WAY.”

Engineer Joseph Mudekunye, a BOAFER based in Dallas, Texas, texted this message: “Congratulations to Clyde.”

Mr. Tinashe Mpasiri, another BOAFER, stated as follows: “This is great. Congratulations to Clyde for being a paid-up member.”

Below is a thread shared between member #51 of the 10,000POL list and Professor Mupasiri who has made history by approaching the Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe under Case Number CCZ 34/21 for the Court to determine in terms of s167(2)(d) as read with s167(3) whether President Mnangagwa had breached his oath of office.

The case is pending before the apex court.

[2:56 pm, 10/04/2022] Prof Mupasiri: Great

[2:57 pm, 10/04/2022] BOAF00051: This is what you should be doing daily on your side to raise awareness and build your circle. No single individual can do it.

[2:59 pm, 10/04/2022] Prof Mupasiri: I understand. I appreciate.

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