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Mr. Ridout Chairuka joins the chorus calling on President Ramaphosa to step up to the plot & expose Coca-Cola’s complicity in aiding and abetting Mafia-style governance in Zimbabwe under Mnangagwa’s stewardship

Peter Smith



Mr. Chairuka, an Australian citizen of Zimbabwean descent and a member of the JUSTICE UNDER RULE OF Law (JUROL) said: “I had no idea until I became a member of the JUROL initiative that evidence existed linking Coca-Cola to Mnangagwa’s corrupt shenanigans and conduct that is ultra vires with Public Law and international law.

Having read Mr. Mpumelelo Mazibuko’s affidavit in opposition to the application to compel or cause President Mnangagwa to appoint a Commission of Inquiry in terms of s84(2)(f) of the Constitution of South Africa and the lies and hypocrisy therein, I could find no better description of Mr. Mazibuko’s conduct than that of defeating the ends of justice.

I have also had the opportunity https://heyzine.com/flip-book/f5dbcb4e16.html.”

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As a retired Professor of Public Policy and Law, based on the additional information provided, it becomes apparent that Mawere played a pivotal role in the SZL acquisition and the fulfillment of the conditions precedent for the SZL equipment project. This involvement was facilitated by the fact that the companies involved were under Mawere’s common control. However, a significant event occurred on September 6, 2004, when a Presidential decree was issued, divesting Mawere of control and management of SMM, as well as his other companies in Zimbabwe.

The issuance of the Presidential decree, which offends public policy and international law, had far-reaching consequences. Without this decree, it is suggested that the $2.7 million bribe would not have been paid, and the expropriation of the equipment, with the knowledge and involvement of CCA, would not have taken place.

The motive behind the Presidential decree can only be speculated upon. It is conceivable that the Zimbabwean government had concerns about Mawere’s increasing economic power, which may have led to the decision to strip him of control over his companies. However, it would require a more thorough examination of the political and economic context at the time to provide a definitive analysis.

Considering the new information, the allegations of fraudulent or corrupt conduct involving Mawere, ARL, Petter, and CCA take on a different dimension. The actions surrounding the SZL acquisition and the subsequent expropriation of equipment appear to be closely tied to Mawere’s loss of control due to the Presidential decree.

Based on the available information, there is a prima facie basis to appoint a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the conduct of Coca-Cola in relation to the alleged theft of ARL equipment and the payment of the $2.7 million bribe. The Commission of Inquiry would be tasked with examining the relationship between the various entities involved, the circumstances surrounding the bribery payment, and the extent of CCA’s knowledge and involvement in the expropriation of the equipment.

It would also be advisable for the President of South Africa to raise the matter with the Zimbabwean government and consider taking diplomatic action if the allegations are substantiated. Given the potential public interest implications and the involvement of multiple jurisdictions, diplomatic engagement may be necessary to ensure a comprehensive investigation and potential resolution of the matter.

However, it is important to note that these conclusions are based solely on the information provided. A thorough and independent investigation, including the gathering of evidence and testimonies, would be required to establish the veracity of the allegations and determine the appropriate legal and diplomatic responses.