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Mr Tapuwa Chitambo expresses disappointment at the role of ENS INC has played in undermining the rule of law in Zimbabwe

Peter Smith



‘Although I am excited that after 18 years of the existence and operation of a draconian and repugnant reconstruction law, I am extremely saddened by the abusidity and criminality of a firm like ENS INC, a South African law firm’s constructive and intentional role in its involvement in asserting stolen rights in relation to property located in SA using the judiciary as a vehicle to aid the government of Zimbabwe’s orchestrated fraudulent scheme to divest and deprive of rights and freedom not only in the jurisdiction of Zimbabwe but in SA.

After reading Mr. Pieter Colyn’s affidavit in opposition to Mupasiri’s application in relation to the application in which Mupasiri is seeking a declaratory order to put to rest the assertion by ENS INC that its client in the name of Steelnet Zimbabwe Limited was a private company when facts existed then as they do now that absent an act of state in Zimbabwe no litigation would have taken place in SA and no public funds or power would have been used to create a client to attorney relationship with the firm.

I had no idea of the direct role ENS INC and its human actors were involved in this massive fraud.

This is unconscionable and represents egregious conduct that is not only criminal especially when officers of court who should know better but seek to conceal their involvement in exporting a foreign law that is offensive to the rule of law and escape complying with the laws of South Africa in relation to the recognition of the locus standi of a foreign representative of a company whose control and management was altered by a draconian foreign law.

I was worried that Zimbabwe could be the only country in which public power can be used to undermine the rule of law but thisattet has convinced me that with corrupt value chain actors like ENS INC under instructions from a corrupt law firm like DMH, all is not well in SA.

Below is what I shared in a what’sapp group this morning:

After reading the article below, it occurred to me that my silence in the face of facts that are admitted, has helped give life to this traversty of justice perpetrated by firms like ENS INC:

It is my civic duty to expose this abuse of the justice system in light of the scandalous mootness defence that Gwaradzimba asserts in his despicable opposition to an application that is solely meant to establish the truth whether he and his corrupt partner in crime ENS INC, knew of the causal link between the authority derived from the repugnant reconstruction and the authority to litigate in the name of Steelnet, a company whose control and management was divested and deprived by an act of a foreign state, and the judgment that Mupasiri eloquently asserted was tainted by fraud.

I am shocked that ENS INC agreed to be complicit of this cross border robbery using the courts and actually would stoop so low to defends this kind of conduct in judicial proceedings.

Gwaradzimba’s averments are clear that absent Mnangagwa who has admitted that he was the driving force of the attack on SMM and its stakeholders and the consequent litigations not only in Zimbabwe but in Zambia, UK and SA, he had no right, power, capacity and authority to act in the name of SMM confirming that ENS INC’s true client was the government of Zimbabwe.

To the extent that ENS INC benefitted from the abuse of public power and funds, its conduct is and must be subjected to public scrutiny,” said Mr. Tapuwa Chitambo, the founding Secretary General of FOSMM.

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