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NUST Students to Tackle Accommodation Crisis with Innovative Property Venture

Walter Winchell



The proposed acquisition of the student accommodation units by NUST Students

In a bold and enterprising move, students from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) are embarking on a project to address the pressing need for student accommodation in Bulawayo. These students, who are also teachers by profession, have identified the suburbs of Kumalo and Killarney as ideal locations for new student residences due to their modest and quiet environments, conducive to academic success.

The coordinators of this project, led by Shane Neo Ndlovu, have set their sights on acquiring properties valued between $100,000 and $300,000. Their ambitious plan involves pooling resources from fellow students, well-wishers, and financial institutions to make this vision a reality. Ndlovu emphasized the importance of practical solutions in education, stating, “It is a great idea that as educators, we be at the forefront of finding solutions to problems that are before us, setting an example that we are not only theoretical teachers, but also the practical ones who pride in getting things done.”

The project is inspired by the spirit of Agenda 2063, the African Union’s strategic framework for socio-economic transformation. Ndlovu and his peers believe that their initiative aligns with the goals of making Africa a beacon of hope and tackling the continent’s triple challenges of poverty, unemployment, and inequality. “Armed with the spirit of Agenda 2063, we believe in making Africa the beacon of hope and we want it to bank on us in solving these challenges,” Ndlovu added.

The NUST students are calling for widespread support for their initiative. They have reached out to the government, the Bulawayo City Council, and various stakeholders to assist in this endeavor. Their appeal underscores the urgency and importance of collaborative efforts to improve student living conditions, which in turn will enhance their academic performance and overall well-being.

Those in the diaspora who are willing to assist may set up a GoFundMe account to see this initiative through. They can also reach out to the Chief Coordinator, Tichaona Mupasiri, via WhatsApp at +27697719885 for any questions and further clarifications.

This initiative highlights a significant shift towards practical education, where students not only learn theoretical concepts but also apply them to real-world problems. The NUST students’ project is a pioneering example of how educational institutions can foster entrepreneurial spirit and community involvement among their students.

As the NUST students forge ahead with their plans, their project stands as a testament to the power of education and community collaboration in addressing societal issues. Their proactive approach to solving the student accommodation crisis could serve as a model for other universities and communities facing similar challenges. With determination and support, these students are poised to make a lasting impact on the student housing landscape in Bulawayo and beyond.

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