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Title: The Application Challenging the Jurisdiction of South African Courts: Implications for Rule of Law, International Relations, and Justice – powered by JUROL

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Retired JUROL JUDGE lambasts Mnangagwa and his cheerleader President Ramaphose for undermining the rule of law in Africa

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Is Zimbabwe a Mafia State that Ramaphosa is playing Chief Enabler? Upholding the Rule of Law in Africa: A Call to Action for JUROL Members

Business1 year ago

The Importance of Analysing Information in Making Critical Personal and Corporate Decisions

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Congratulations to Mr. Oscar Mpala, a paid up member of JUROL, and the founder of JUROL ZAMBIA INSTITUTE, an institute created to play a part in the building of an inclusive Africa underpinned by a rule of law value-set.

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Mnangagwa implicated in the Zambian TAPGATE MAFIA scandal – 2023

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The Fundamental Congruence Checklist – A Ten Question Smart Decision Toolkit That Will Change the World

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Upholding the Rule of Law: Coca-Cola’s $2.7 million Corruption Scandal in Zimbabwe – Part 2 of the JUROL LITERACY CAMPAIGN TO COMBAT CORRUPTION

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Coca-Cola Caught in US$2.7 million Corruption Scandal in Zimbabwe

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The Coca Cola Company (TCCC) exposed in a scam involving a bribe of $2.7 million to Mnangagwa & his surrogates including Chinamasa


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